CHAP. 27.
An act to provide for building a bridge over the Patapsco
Falls, at or near the Thistle Factory.
Passed Jan. 24, 1832
WHEREAS, it is represented to the general assembly, by
the petition of sundry citizens of.Baltimore and Ann Arun-
del counties, that they suffer great inconvenience for the
want of a bridge over the Patapsco Falls, at or near the
Thistle Factory; Therefore.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland; That George Elliott, Jun., and Benjamin Palmer of
Baltimore, and John S. Williams and Anthony Smith of
Ann Arundel counties, be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners, and they or a majority of them are hereby
authorised and empowered to contract for, superintend, and
direct the building of a bridge over the Patapsco Falls, at
the most suitable point, at or near the Thistle Factory, so
as to unite the public road of Ann Arundel with that of
Baltimore county, leading by the Thistle Factory to the city
of Baltimore.
Commissioners ap-
pointed to con-
tract, &c
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said commissioners herein before mentioned or a majority
of them, to examine and fix on the most suitable site for the
erection of said bridge, and to ascertion by advertising for
proposals to perform the work, and for estimates of the cost
of labour and materials, and by such other means as they
may deem adviseable, the lowest amount that will be neces-
sary to build the said bridge, and shall certify the same to
the commissioners of Baltimore and Anne Arundel counties
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
Baltimore and Ann Arundel counties be, and they are here-
by authorised and requested at their next annual levies, to
levy upon the assessable property of said counties, a sum of
Commissioners of
counties to buy
money not exceeding the sum of eight hundred dollars ex-
clusive of the commissions allowed for collection, to be ap-
Not exceeding 800
plied to the building of the bridge aforesaid, one moity of
which sum of money shall be levied on the assessable pro-
perty of Baltimore and the other on that of Ann Arundel
county, which said assessment shall be made, levied and
collected in the same manner that other county levies are
made, and when collected shall be paid over by the com-
missioners of said counties, respectively to the said commis-
sioners hereby appointed to contract for and superintend
To pay over for
the building of the bridge aforesaid or their order as the case
may be, as soon as the same shall be collected, Provided;