CHAP. 90.
c'itate of the said Mary in the real estate, and that the said
Laura Ann Marshall, Edward Henry, Robert J. Henry,
and Adeliza R. Henry, are the owners of certain funds which
might be advantageously vested in the said life estate of
their said mother; Therefore,
Interest in real
estate author-
ised to be con-
tracted for.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That James Pitts, guardian, John P. M. Hen-
ry and Zadock P. Henry, of Worcester county, be and they
are hereby authorised and empowered, to contract, subject to
the direction and to the approbation of the orphans court of
Worcester county, with the said Thomas N. Williams and
Mary his wife, for the interest and estate of the said Tho-
mas N. Williams, and Mary his wife, in all that real Estate
lying and being situated in Worcester county, in which
the said Laura Ann Marshall, wife of the said John E H.
Marshall, Edward Henry, Robert J. Henry, and Adeliza
R Henry, have the remainder in fee simple after the expi-
ration of the said life estate, and to receive From the guar-
dian, or other person or persons in whose possession the
money or funds of the said Laura Ann Marshall, wife of
the said John E. H Marshall, Edward Henry, Robert J.
Henry, and Adeliza R. Henry, may be, such portion of
the said money or funds as may be necessary to fulfil any
contract which they may make with the said Thomas N.
Williams, and Mary his wife, for the said life estate; Pro-
vided, the said court shall, previous to said receipt, ap-
prove of the terms of said purchase, and to cause the whole
interest and estate of the said Thomas N. Williams, aad
Mary his wife, in the said real estate, to be conveyed to
the said Laura Ann Marshall, wife of the sa;d John E H.
Marshall, Edward Henry, Robert J. Henry, and Adeliza
R. Henry, and their heirs and assigns forever, as tenants
in common, and not as joint tenants, by a good deed or
deeds to be approved by the said court, to be executed and
acknowledged according to law.
Receipt to be
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the receipt or receipts,
or other acquittance or acquittances of the said James Pitts,
John P. M, Henry, or Zadock P. Henry, or a majority of
them, for such portion of the money or funds of the said
Laura Ann Marshall, wife of the said John E. H. Marshall,
Edward Henry, Robert J. Henry, and Adeliza R Henry,
as may be necessary to complete the contract authorised by
the first section of this act, shall be a sufficient discharge to
the guardian, or other person or persons in whose hands
or possession the money or funds of the said Laura Ann
Marshall, Edward Henry, Robert J. Henry, or Adeliza
R. Henry, may be.