A Supplement to an act to provide Jor the purchase of
the Office Papers formerly belonging to the Survey-
or's Office of Montgomery County, passed at Decem-
ber Session eighteen hundred and twenty-nine) chap-
ter one hundred and twenty-six.
CHAP. 92,
Passed Feb 12.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Thai Zadok Magruder, William M'Clannaghan, and Tho-
mas Gittings, or any two of them, be and they are hereby
authorised and appointed to inspect, value and purchase,
the certificates of surveys, reeurveys, plats, and any other
papers, which in their judgments they may deem essential
to the interest and relating to the land affairs of Montgo-
mery county, whether signed or not by Joseph Elgar, and
Lloyd Adamson, the former surveyors of said county, as
it was intended they should do by the original act to which
this is a supplement; Provided, the amount of the pur-
chase shall not exceed one hundred dollars.
Authorised to
purchase cer.
tificates of sur-
veys, &c.
An- Act for the relief of Ann Matthews, of the City of
Passed Feb 14.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Ann Matthews, of the city of Baltimore,
he and she is hereby divorced a mensa et thoro, from her
husband Thomas Matthews.
Divorce grant-
Sec: 2. And be it enacted, That the said Thomas Mat-
thews shall not, by virtue of his marriage with the said
Ann Matthews, be in any way entitled to, and that the said
Thomas Matthews shall not be authorised to have or claim,
any right, title or interest, in the estate, real, personal or
mixed, of the said Ann Matthews, whether acquired by
the said Ann prior to, or to be acquired by her after
the passage of this act; nor shall the said Ann be en-
titled in auy manner to have or claim any right, title or in-
terest, in the estate, real, personal or mixed, of the said
Claims annull-