much injured and defaced, and liable to become finally
lost — Therefore,
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the orphans coi.rt of Kent county be,
and thev are hereby authorised and empowered, to make
careful examination of certain records in the register of
wills office of said county, and if they, or a majority of
them, shall think that the public interest requires the tran-
scribing of said records in a new book or books, then they
shall order and direct the register of wills to procure suffi-
cient hook or books, and therein accurately to transcribe
the aforesai'i records, or such parts thereof as they may see
proper, and point oat. and allow to said register a reasona-
ble compensation and expense for procuring said book or
hooks, and transcribing the same.
CHAP. 90.
Books may be
Sec. 2. And be if enacted, That the levy court of said
county he, and they are herebv authorised and directed, to
levy on the assessable property of said county, such sum or
sums of money as the orphans court may allow to the said
register, for performing the duties required by this act, to
and for the use of the said register of wills, the same to be
collected and paid over as other county charges are; Pro-
vided, that the whole amount of money thus levied shall
not exceed the sum of two hundred dollars.
An Act for the benefit of the Children of Robert J.
Henry, late of Worcester County, deceased.
Passed Feb 10.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly by
the guardian and next friends of Laura Ann Marshall, wife
of John E. H. Marshall, Edward Henrv, Robert J. Hen-
ry, and Adeliza R Henry, infant children of Robert J.
Henry, late of Worcester county, deceased, that their
mother Mary Williams, at this time the wife of a certain
Thomas N. Williams of Worcester, is the owner of an es-
tate without impeachment of, or for any manner of waste,
for her own life, in certain valuable real estate in Worces-
ter county, in which the said Laura Ann Marshall, Edward
Henry, Robert J. Henry and Adeliza R. Henry, have the
remainder in fee simple, as tenants in common: And where-
as it is also represented that the said Thomas N. Williams,
and Marv his wife, are about to make sale of the said life