CHAP. 94.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That in case of the death or
resignation, of any lay member of the said corporation, the
remaining members, or a majority of them, shall have full
power and authority, at their next, or at any subsequent
meeting, to elect another person in his place.
Property veste-
ed in corpora-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That all the lands and tene-
ments, with their appurtenances, now vested in trustees,
for the use of the said church, and all other property of
the said church, shall be and are hereby absolutely and
unconditionally vested in the said body corporate, and
their successors, forever; and the said corporation, with the
consent and approbation of all the members thereof, shall
and they are hereby declared to be capable of bargaining
and selling, leasing and conveying, any part of the said
property, or any other property which may be acquired by
the said corporation, in as full and effectual a manner as
any person or body corporate may or can do.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That at all meetings of the
said corporation the minister for the time being shall he the
president, and in case of the absence, death or removal, of
the minister, the lay members of the corporation may ap-
point one of their own body president pro tempore, who
during such absence, or in case of removal er death, until
the appointment of another minister, shall have aU the au-
thority and privileges of a president.
Judges of e-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, that the president shall no-
minate and appoint three persons to be the judges of each
and every election that shall or may be held for the elect-
ing of the by members of the said corporation, and that
such nomination and appointment shall be made a reasona-
ble time before each election.
Acts to be
signed, &c.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That all acts or deeds of the
said corporation, shall be signed by the president in behalf
of the corporation, and seaied with their corporate seal, and
all deeds by them for the conveyance of any lands and te-
nements of the corporation, which by the law of the land
ought to be acknowledged and recorded, shall be signed
and sealed as aforesaid, and shall also be acknowledged in
due form by the president, as such, in behalf of the corpo-
ration, and all acts and deeds of the said body corporate so
Real and per-
sonal property
authenticated, shall he valid anel effectual in law.
Sec. 8 And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall
be capable of purchasing hereafter real and personal proper-
ty not exceeding in value the sum of five thousand dollars.
Acts made va-
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That all acts and deeds of
the committee of the said church, and their successors, in
virtue of their incorporation under the act of assembly of
eighteen hundred and two, chapter eleven, which are not