Inconsistent with this act, and the law of the land, be and
the same are hereby made good and valid in law, and the
lands and tenements conveyed to the said committee in
eighteen hundred and twenty- four, be and the same are
hereby vested in the corporation mentioned in the second
clause of this act, and their successors, forever.
A Further Supplement to the act to provide for the
Public Instruction of Youth in Primary Schools in
Anne-Arundel County.
Passed Feb 14.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the collector of city taxes in the city of Annapolis, for the
time being, shall be and he is hereby made, ex officio, col-
lector of primary school taxes in and for the district in
which the city of Annapolis is or may be situated; and
every primary school tax, which may hereafter be voted
to be levied on the property in said district, shall be and is
hereby made collectable by the collector of city taxes who
may be in office at the time at which such tax shall be col-
Tax in Anna-
polis to be col-
lected by city
Sec 2. And be it enacted. That in case of the resig-
nation, refusal to serve, or other disqualification- or disabi
lity of the present collector of primary school taxes for
said district, it shall be the duty of the collector of city
taxes in said city, to be appointed for the present year, to
collect the primary school taxes in said district which have
been voted to be collected in the present year.
in case of dis-
ability of pre-
sent collector
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the collector of city
taxes in said city, in relation to the primary school taxes
to be collected by him, shall have all the rights, and be
subject to all duties and responsibilities, which are or may
be incident to the office of collector of primary school
Rights and re-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the condition of the
bond to be given by the collector of city taxes in said city,
shall be, that he shall well and faithfully exercise the office
of collector according to law; and on any breach of said
condition, in relation to the collection or payment of pri-
mary school taxes, an action or actions may be prosecuted
on said bond, for the use of the trustees of the primary