An Act to incorporate the Presbyterian Church at Mo-
nokin, in Somerset County.
CHAP. 94.
Passed Feb 14,
WHEREAS application hath been made to this general as-
sembly for an act of incorporation in behalf of the Presby-
terian Church at Monokin, in Somerset county, which may
enable the said church to manage with convenience her
temporal concerns, and also to make valid the acts and
proceedings of certain members of said church, who enter-
ed into an net of incorporation in the year eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-four, in virtue of the act of assembly of
eighteen hundred and two, chapter one hundred and eleven.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, Thnt the present committee of the snid church,
consisting of the folio wing; persons, viz Samuel Kerr, Wil-
liam Stewart, Robert Patterson, George Handy, Henry P.
C. Wilson, William W. Handy, and John C. Wilson, and
their successors to be elected as hereinafter mentioned,
with their minister for the time being;, shall he and hereby
are ? created and declared to be a body corporate^ by the
name, style and title, of The Committee of the Presbyteri-
an Church at Monokin, in Somerset county, and by the
same name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be
able to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in any
court of law or equity in this state, or elsewhere, and to
make and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter
or renew, at their pleasure, and also to ordain and establish
such by-laws and ordinances as shall appear necessary for
regulating the temporal concerns of the said church, and
for promoting religion within the same, not being repug-
nant to this act .nor to the laws of this state.
Committee in-
Sec. 2. And be if enacted, That the successors of the
present committee of the said church shall be elected in the
manner following, to wit: the members of the said church,
being twenty-one years of age, and contributing towards
the support of the minister officiating therein, may and
shall meet at such place as shall be appointed by the cor-
poration, and sometime during the month of May eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-one, and at least once in each suc-
ceeding five years, whereof due notice shall be given by
the president of the said corporation for the time being, at
the said church, and then and there they, or so many as
may attend, shall elect viva roce, not less than five, nor
more than twelve, members of the said church.
Election of