CHAP. 170,
in which the changes of location shall be made; also that
the President and Directors of the Baltimore ,and Ohio
Also the location of
other lands
Rail Road company shall be, and they are authorised to al-
ter the present locations of public roads, at the places
where the said Rail Road crosses the same, to such other
and new locations as the commissioners hereinafter nam-
ed, shall first approve and deem best calculated to facili-
tate the passage of said Rail Road, over the said public
roads; and likewise to obtain possession of the land in-
cluded in said new location by purchase or condemnation
on the payment or tender to the proper parlies of the value
Damages secured
of said land, and the amount of damages incident to the
change which the commissioners aforesaid shall fix, sub-
ject however to the right of appeal to be exercised by
either party before the county court of the county in which
the land lies, at the term next ensuing the date of the con-
Commissioners to
approve of alter
ations in A. A.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Dennis Gaither, Jona-
than Waters, Benjamin Brown, Bushrod W. Marriott,
George Cook, William Moore, and Thomas Griffith, shall
be commissioners, with power to them, or a majority of
them, to approve or disapprove the alterations which may
be proposed to be made in public roads at the places afore-
said, within Anne Arundel county, and to fix the value of
the land which may be taken for such purpose, and also to
determine the damages which may be suffered by any one
fay reason of any such alteration, and to certify their pro-
ceedings in the premises without delay to the clerk of the
county court of said county, to be by him recorded when
In P. George's
ratified by said court; also that Samuel C. Snowden, John
C. Herbert, Charles Duvall, William Johnston, Dr. Benja-
min Day, Dr. William Belt, and John Simmes, shall be com-
missioners with power to them, or a majority of them, to
exercise the same authority, and perform the like duties in
the premises within Prince George's county.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners afore-
said shall be entitled to be severally paid the sum of two
dollars for each day which they shall be necessarily inga-
ged in the performance of their duties; and that all the ex-
penses attending the execution of any of the provisions of
this act, shall be paid by the said Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road company.
Sec. 4. AND WHEREAS, the said Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road, for the distance of two mites or thereabouts, next
below the bridge over the Potomac river, at Harper's Fer-