ry, is located along side of the road from Frederick to
Harper's Ferry, where the small space of practicable
ground, between the cliffs and the river, does not afford
sufficient room for the construction of both roads of their
full dimensions, and it is represented that the President and
Managers of the said Frederick and Harper's Ferry road,
are willing to afford room upon the site of their said road
for the construction of the said Rail Road at the place
CHAP. 172.
aforesaid — Therefore, Be it enacted, That the said Presi-
dent and Managers be, and they are hereby authorised to
enter into any such arrangements with the said Rail Road
Authority to con-
company or others, and to change the location of the said
road from Frederick to Harper's Ferry, as they may deem
proper, to enable the said Rail Road to be constructed at
the place aforesaid.
And change loca-
AH. act vesting certain powers in Baltimore county court.
Passed Mar. 6, 1834
, Be it enacted by the General Jlssembly.of Maryland, That
it shall be lawful for Baltimore county court to cause an
additional jury to be summoned over and above the regu-
lar pannel of jurors whenever, in the judgment of said
court, said additional jury may be necessary for greater
despatch in the trial of civil causes at the city terms of said
Additional jury
A further supplement to the act for the valuation of real and
personal property in Anne Arundel county.
Passed Mar 7,1834
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the acts and proceedings of the commissioners of
Anne Arundel county under and in execution of the provi-
sions of the act, entitled, an act for the valuation of real
and personal property in Anne Arundel county, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred thirty two, chapter
one hundred thirty nine, and of the act entitled, a supple-
ment to the act entitled, an act for the revaluation of real
Valuation and as-
sessment confirm,