CHAP. 145.
out and establish the lines of said town and the lots there-
in, as now held-and possessed by the several owners there-
of, and having so laid the courses and distances, and the
lines of the lots so laid out and corrected as herein intend-
Two plan— record
ed, the surveyor aforesaid is hereby required to make two
plats of said town, and when approved of by the Burgess
and Commissioners, one of the said plats shall be kept in
the office of said Burgess, the other to be filed in the clerk's
office of Frederick county, to be there recorded among the
land records of said county; and the said proprietors,
owners of lots and parts of lots in the said town, and their
heirs and assigns may hereafter hold and possess the same
in fee simple as thus established, and set forth by courses
and distances on the recorded plat of the said town, which
shall be signed by the said Burgess and Commissioners,
under their hands and seals.
Grading, paving,
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That in laying off, levelling,
grading, paving and repairing of foot ways, the Commis-
sioners are hereby required to cause the said footways as
aforesaid to be made and done at the expense of the pro-
prietors of the differents lots, before which the said Bur-
gess and Commissioners may direct such levelling, grad-
ing, paving or repairing to be made, and that said Burgess
and Commissioners shall have full power to prescribe the
manner in which all works for the improvement of the said
town shall be done; and all pavements shall be made of
such materials as shall be directed by ordinance.
Non resident hold-
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That if the owner or owners
of any house, lot or part of a lot, where such levelling,
paving or repairing shall be directed, shall not reside in the
said town, the tenant or person occupying the same, or who
shall have charge and care thereof shall cause the same
to be done before the front of such possession, and the
money expended by such tenant or other persons in and
about tht said works in obedience to the ordinance and
direction of the Burgess and Commissioners aforesaid,
shall be allowed by the owner, and deducted out of the
rent then due, or hereafter to become due; and if any own-
er or tenant of any house or lot or part of a lot, or the per-
sons having the care of the same, shall refuse or neglect to
level, pave or repair the footway in front of the same, ac-
cording to the ordinance and direction of the Burgess and
Commissioners aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the