all persons qualified, as is specified in the second section
of this set, shall be entitled to vote; in the event of the death,
resignation, removal or disqualification of the Burgess, the
board of commissioners shall select one of their own body
to serve as said Burgess until the next annual election.
CHAP. 145
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
or a majority of them shall have power to appoint a clerk,
and assign his duties, and allow him such compensation
for his services as they may think proper; and that all or-
dinances passed by the said commissioners, and "signed by
the Burgess of said town, shall by their clerk be entered
in a book to be by him kept for that purpose, and shall be
open at all times for the inspection of any person inteiested,
and copies of all ordinances shall be put up in the most
public places, signed by the Burgess of said town, that the
same may be generally made known, and attested by the
clerk to the said commissioners.
Clerk— his duties
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
Middletown shall have full power and authority to enact
and pass all by-laws and ordinances for the following pur-
poses, viz: to grade, level, pave and repair all side walks
in said town; to construct crossways, to regulate and keep
in repair all streets, lanes and alleys in said town; to regu-
late party walls and partition fences; to regulate the sweep-
ing and burning of chimnies; to restrain and prohibit
gaming; to provide for licensing or restraining theatrical,
or other public exhibitions and amusements within the lim-
its of the corporation; to enact by-laws for the prevention
and extinguishment of fire in said town; to license or pre-
vent dogs from running at large in said town, in all cases;
when the convenience of the town may requite it, and for
taxing them; to enforce the removal of nuisances, by fines
or otherwise; to pass laws and ordinances to prevent the
introduction of contagious diseases within the said town;
to adopt all ordinances for the suppression of drunkenness,
vice and immorality; to punish by fine for a breach of the
peace; to punish corporally any servant or slave guilty oi
a violation of any ordinance, unless the master or mistress
pay the fine annexed to the offence; and to lay and collect
taxes for all purposes necessary to carry into effect, the or-
dinances and by-laws of the said town.
Powers of commis-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the commissioners for the
time being shall have power to appoint a surveyor to lay