est, vested or contingent, in the same land, on application of
any of the parties in interest in a court of equity, if all the
parties in being are parties to the proceeding, and if it shall
appear to be advantageous to the parties concerned, may decree
a conveyance of the same by way of mortgage, and shall direct
the investment or other disposition or application of the pro-
ceeds of such mortgage so as to inure to the use and benefit
of the same parties who would be entitled by the original grant
to the lands so mortgaged; and all such decrees, if all the
persons are parties who would be entitled, if the contingency
had happened at the date of the decree, shall bind all persons,
whether in being or not, who claim or may claim any interest
in said land under any of the parties to said decree or under
any person from whom any of the parties to such decree claim,
or from or under or by the original deed or will by which such
particular limited or conditional estate, with remainders or exe-
cutory devises, were created and the said mortgages executed
Mortgages to
bind estates.
in pursuance of such decrees shall bind the estates and inter-
ests in the said lands so mortgaged of all such persons, whether
in being or not.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1904.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections 55
and 56 of Article 20 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Somerset County," sub-title "Crisfield."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 55 and 56 of Article 20 of the Code of Pub-
Crisfield, Som-
lic Local Laws, title ''Somerset County," sub-title "Crisfield,"
erset County.
be and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments so as to read as follows :
55. The said Commissioners shall be five in number, and
alternating; three of them shall be elected at the next ensuing
Town Commis-
election to be held in Crisfield, to wit, on the first Wednesday
sioners, num-
ber and elec-
in June, 1904, for four years ; and two shall be elected on the
tion of same.
same day in June, 1906, for four years ; so that alternating,
three shall be elected at the election at the end of the terms
of those whose terms shall have expired, and two shall be
elected at the end of the terms of those whose terms shall have