own lighters, barges, tugboats or any shares of stock in any
steamship company, either foreign or domestic, or vessel prop-
erty of any description, and also the right to own wharves or
lease the same. That the board of directors or managers of
said corporation shall consist of not fewer than five nor mor-
than twenty-five members thereof.
Approved April 7, 1904.
AN ACT to ratify and amend the charter and extend and
enlarge the powers of the Pocomoke Telephone Company
of Pocomoke City, Worcester County, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the charter of the Pocomoke Telephone Company
Pocomoke Tel-
of Pocomoke City, Worcester County, Maryland, incorporated
ephone Com-
pany of Poco-
tinder the provisions of the Code of Public General Laws
moke City.
of Maryland, Article entitled "Corporations," as the same
appears by its certificate of incorporation filed and recorded
among the incorporation records of Worcester County, in
Liber F. H. P., No. 2, folios 61 and 62, with the several
amendments thereto, contained in the certificate of increase
of its capital stock recorded among the records aforesaid,
be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, and in
addition to the powers, rights and privileges in the said
certificates enumerated, and those powers and privileges con-
ferred upon corporations of its kind by the provisions of the
Code of Public General Laws, the said corporation shall have
and enjoy also the powers, rights and privileges herein named.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall have
perpetual succession, and may increase the number of its
Directors by by-laws to any number not to exceed fifteen;
and its capital stock may be increased from time to time
by a majority vote of its stock.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall have
power to borrow money in such sums as may be necessary for
carrying on its corporate purposes, and to issue its corporate
Can issue cor-
bonds or other obligations for the money so borrowed, and
porate bonds.
to secure the payment of the sums by mortgage or deed
of trust of its franchises as well as any or all of its cor-
porate property, including its tolls and revenues ; and said cor-
poration shall have power to contract for and collect all lawful