and shall have and enjoy and may exercise all the powers,
rights, privileges, acts, matters and things incident and neces-
sary to the purposes of said corporation as created by this Act.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the company hereby in-
corporated, is incorporated for the purpose of building a rail-
To build a
road by (as far as practicable) a direct route from Baltimore
to the line dividing Maryland and Virginia on the east side
of the Chesapeake Bay, and to that end shall have power to
make, contract and maintain a railroad with double or single
tracks and sidings, as they may deem expedient for the trans-
portation of passengers and freight from some point in Bal-
timore City, thence in a southern direction through Baltimore
and Anne Arundel Counties, to a point at or near Annapolis,
thence continuing in a southern direction through Anne Arun-
del and Calvert Counties to the southern extremity of Calvert
County, at or near Drum Point, or before or after reaching
Drum Point, by suitable bridge across the Patuxent river to
St. Mary's County, and through St. Mary's County to some
point on the Chesapeake Bay, or a tributary thereof, at or near
Point Lookout, and by steamship or steamboat line to the
most accessible point, yet to be determined, in one of the
counties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That said company be and it
is hereby authorized in order to construct said railroad on such
land or property of any individual or corporation, or on such
granted com-
private right of any corporation or individual as it may deem
necessary to occupy, in order to construct said railroad between
the points authorized by this Act, and when the consent of the
owners of such ground or property cannot, from any cause,
be obtained, the said corporation may obtain the same by con-
demnation, in the manner as is provided in Article 23 of the
Code of Public General Laws of the State of Maryland, and all
the supplements and amendments thereto, and the said corpora-
tion shall have the power, subject to the approval of the
County Commissioners and of the municipal authorities of any
city or town along its route, as the case may be, to use and oc-
cupy for the purpose of its railroad, any public road in said
county, or any street, alley or lane in any of said cities or
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That said railroad company shall
have power to construct and operate branch roads, to lease,
Branch roads.
buy and improve lands along the lines of said railroad, to
wharves, etc.
lease, buy and build wharves, houses and shops for corporate
purposes, to charter, build, purchase and hold steamships,