steamboats, tugs, barges, lighters and' other vessels to ply in
May charter
or build
connection with said railroad to any port or ports, place or
boats, etc.
places whatsoever, and to connect with any other railroad,
steamship or steamboat line or company for the transportation
of freight and passengers.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said Baltimore and
Right to con-
solidate with
Southwestern Railroad Company shall have power to unite,
other rail-
connect and consolidate with any railroad company or com-
panies either in or out of this State, so that the capital stock of
said companies so united, connected and consolidated, respec-
tively, may, at the pleasure of the directors, constitute a com-
mon stock, and the respective companies may thereafter con-
stitute one company, and be entitled to all the property, fran-
chises, rights and privileges and immunities which each of them
possess, have and enjoy under and by virtue of their respective
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Baltimore and South-
Power to oper-
ate other rail-
western Railroad Company shall have power to lease or pur-
roads by pur-
chase and operate any railroad or railroads, either in or out of
chase of
this State, for the purpose of carrying on their business, and
any other railroad company in this State shall have the right
to lease or sell its railroad or other property to the said Balti-
more and Southwestern Railroad Company.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said board of directors
route or
of said corporation shall have the power and right to adopt
any route or routes for the said railroad, between the termini
mentioned in this Act, as to them shall seem most suitable and
proper, and shall have power, when necessary, to cross all
navigable rivers, streams or creeks, as well as rivers, streams
and creeks not navigable, by suitable bridges or causeways,
and also the right to cross the lines of other railroads and con-
demn easements therein.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
Capital stock
and privi-
company shall be five hundred thousand dollars, with the
privilege to increase the same to three million dollars, and
shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, which
shall be collected by the directors of said railroad company
in such instalments and at such times and places as they may
appoint and require, and if any subscriber to said corporate
stock shall neglect or fail to pay any instalments or part or
parts of their subscriptions thus demanded, for the space of
twenty days next after the time the same shall be due and
payable, the stock on which it is demanded shall, at the pleas-
ure of said directors, be forfeited to the company and sold for