said voters shall vote against incorporation, then this Act
shall be in abeyance for a period of one year, or until the first
Monday in May, 1905, when the qualified voters of the said
town may again assemble and vote as herein provided ; and if
at the second election a majority of the qualified voters of said
town shall vote for incorporation, then the provisions of this
Act shall take effect, and the election hereunder shall be valid ;
but if a majority of said voters shall vote against incorporation,
then this Act shall be held utterly null and void. If at any such
Result of
election the majority of the qualified voters of said town shall
vote for incorporation, the said judges of election shall at once
declare who has been elected Mayor and Common Councilmen,
and issue to them certificates to that effect, which shall be re-
corded amongst the proceedings of the town.
SEC. 30. And be it enacted, That the provisions of this Act
shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1904.
AN ACT to incorporate the Baltimore and Southwestern Rail-
road Company.
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Baltimore and
land, That John P. Moore, of Worcester County, Robert B.
Dixon, of Talbot County, Murray Vandiver, of Harford
County, Francis E. Waters, of Baltimore City, Arthur P. Gor-
man, Jr., of Howard County, and Samuel K. Dennis, of Wor-
cester County, and all of the State of Maryland, and Frank
Smith, of the State of Pennsylvania, and their successors' in
office, are hereby created a body corporate under the name of
the Baltimore and Southwestern Railroad Company, and the
said incorporators are hereby constituted and appointed the
directors of said company and they shall have power at any
time after the passage of this Act to organize by the election
of a president and such other officers as may in their judgment
be to them necessary for the proper management of the affairs
of said company.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said corporation, under the
Rights of com-
above name, shall be capable in law of purchasing, holding,
selling and conveying property, real, personal and mixed, as far
as shall be necessary for the purpose hereinafter mentioned,
and shall have perpetual succession, and by such corporate
name may sue and be sued, and to make and have and use a
common seal, and the same alter and renew at their pleasure,