terms, conditions and provisions as to them shall seem meet
and proper, and be issued and disposed of from time to time
upon such terms as they shall determine, and as may be
agreed upon ; and in case of sale of said bridge, structures,
franchises and property made by virtue of said mortgage
or mortgages, whether under foreclosure or other judicial
proceedings, or pursuant to any power contained in said mort-
gage or mortgages, the purchaser or purchasers thereof, or
their survivor or survivors, representatives or assigns, may
together with their associates, if any, form a new corporation
for the purpose of owning, possessing, maintaining and oper-
ating said bridge, structures, property and franchises, and
thereupon vest in such new corporation all the faculties,
powers, rights, immunities, privileges, property and fran-
In case of fail-
chises possessed by said Conowingo Bridge Company, and
ure, new com-
pany to be
a certificate of the formation of such new corporation shall
be executed by the said purchaser or purchasers, his or their
survivor or survivors, representatives or assigns, together with
their associates, if any, and be acknowledged and recorded
as other certificates of incorporation are at present directed
to be acknowledged and recorded under Article 23 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corpora-
tions," sub-title "General Regulations."
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for said
company from time to time to make an increase of its capital
Lawful to in-
crease its cap-
stock, to such amount or amounts as may be deemed suffi-
ital stock.
cient and proper, for the purposes of the corporation ; such
new stock may be issued in shares of the par value of one
hundred dollars per share; the question of said increase, and
the amount thereof, to be determined at a meeting or meet-
ings of the stockholders, and by the vote of persons owning
and holding at least two-thirds of all the shares of stock
of the corporation at that time, issued and outstanding, and
when the authority to increase the capital stock has been given
by the stockholders, all of the old shares of stock of said
Conowingo Bridge Company of the par value of twenty dollars
each, shall thereupon be changed and re-issued into new
shares of the par value of one hundred dollars per share, or
into fractional parts of such shares when the same may be
deemed necessary and expedient, for such minority stock-
Minority stock-
holders as may own and hold less than five shares of said
old stock.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That when the said bridge, with
its structures, approaches and property shall have been re-