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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 492   View pdf image (33K)
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                JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.

and from and after the twentieth day of March, seventeen hundred and
ninety-two, it shall not be lawful for the inspector to pass any fish packed in barrels
of any other size.



    V.  And, whereas it is represented to this general assembly, that the sum allowed
per barrel by the original act for the inspection of fish, is more than a sufficient
compensation for the service, and more than the value of the commodity
can bear, Be it enacted, That from and after the twentieth day of March next,
it shall be lawful for the inspector to ask and receive for inspection only three-pence
per barrel; and in case of absence or sickness of the inspector, it shall be
lawful for him, with the consent and approbation of the commissioners, or a
major part of them, to appoint a deputy, who shall have the same power, and be
allowed the same fees, as the inspector; provided nevertheless, that it shall not
be lawful for such deputy to enter on the execution of his office before he hath
taken the oath, or affirmation, prescribed by the original act to be taken by the


His allowance,

    VI.  And, whereas doubts have arisen on the construction of the original act,
with respect to the necessity of submitting to inspection any barrelled fish but such
as were intended for exportation; for the removal thereof, Be it enacted, That 
from and after the end of this present session of assembly, it shall not be lawful, in
the town of Baltimore or the precincts thereof, for any person to offer for sale or
barter, whether for exportation or otherwise, any barrelled fish which has not
been inspected; nor shall it be lawful for any person, within the limits aforesaid,
to purchase any fish which has not be previously inspected, under the pains
and penalties, and to be recovered and applied, agreeably to the manner prescribed
by the aforesaid original act.


Penalty on
persons offering
for sale fish
not inspected,

                                            CHAP. XXXII.
An ACT to streighten and amend the several public roads in
    several counties, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

Passed December
    WHEREAS some of the principal market and post roads in the counties
of Cæcil, Baltimore, Montgomery, Frederick and Washington, are
very indirect, much out of repair, and require considerable improvements,
    II.  Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the following
roads shall be laid out, surveyed, marked and bounded, in the manner herein after
directed, viz.  One road from Susquehanna lower ferry to the ford at the furnace,
from thence to Charles-town, from thence to the bridge at the head of North-East,
and from thence, through Elk-town towards Christiana, to the Delaware
line; one other road from the Head of Elk to Back Creek, from Back Creek to the
Head of Bohemia, from the Head of Bohemia to Warwick, and from thence to
the Head of Sassafras; one other road from Baltimore-town, westward of Randall's-town, 
and by Nicholas Dorsey's ad William Buchanan's lands in the barrens
of Baltimore county, and in a direction towards Liberty-town to the Frederick
county line, near Philemon Barns's plantation, provided, that by carrying
the said road by the said Randall's-town, it shall not lengthen the proposed new
road one quarter of a mile to Liberty-town; one other road from the termination
of the last mentioned road at the line between Baltimore and Frederick counties,
near Philemon Barns's plantation, to Liberty-town, and from thence by colonel
William Beatty's plantation, thence to cross Monocacy at the ferry next above the
mouth of Israel's Creek, and to Frederick-town; one other road from Frederick-town,
at the end of Patrick-street, to the Washington county line by Peter Bainbridge's;
one other road from the Washington county line, by Peter Bainbridge's
and by Newcomer's mill, to Elizabeth-town; one other road from Middle-town
to the line between Frederick and Washington counties in Turner's Gap; one
other road from the line at Turner's Gap to William's Port; one other road from
William's Port to Elizabeth-town, and from Elizabeth-town to the county line
at Charlton's Gap in the South Mountain; one other road from Elizabeth-town
by Jacques's iron-works to Hancock-town; one other road from the county line
Several roads
to be laid out,

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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 492   View pdf image (33K)
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