XXX. |
for inspecting tobacco at said warehouse, the said bond to be proved
and recorded
as is directed by the said recited act with regard to other bonds. |
deemed public,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said warehouses shall be deemed public warehouses,
and the inspection of tobacco there, and all duties and regulations concerning
the same, shall be observed, as if the said warehouses had been established
by virtue of the first mentioned act. |
Inspectors to
be appointed,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the said two inspectors at the Centre New
George-town warehouse, shall be appointed at the time and manner as inspectors
are by the said last mentioned act, and shall be subject to the same rules
and regulations;
and the said inspectors shall have salaries to be paid and ascertained
the same manner as inspectors salaries are to be ascertained and paid by
law; and
in the stamping the hogsheads of tobacco passed at the said warehouses
at George-town,
the words Centre New George-town, shall be stamped or marked thereon. |
Continuance. |
VII. This act to continue for the term of
the act to regulate the inspection of
tobacco, passed at November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-nine. |
Passed December
21. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the inspection of
salted provisions exported and imported from and to
the town
of Baltimore. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS by the act of assembly, entitled, An act
for the inspection
of salted provisions exported and imported from and to the town of
Baltimore, it is provided, that no beef or pork shall pass inspection,
or be exported from the river Patapsco, unless packed in barrels containing
hundred and twenty pounds net each: And whereas the said regulation
to prevent the importation and exportation of salted provisions to
and from other
states, where the laws respecting the size of barrels, and weights contained
vary from the regulation of this state; for remedy thereof in future, |
Any person
may sell, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and after
the end of this present session of assembly, it shall and may be lawful
for any person
or persons whatsoever to sell, barter, import or export, from the port
of Baltimore,
any salted beef or pork packed in barrels containing two hundred pounds
net each barrel, and the inspector is hereby directed to examine and pass
all such
beef or pork packed in such barrels, in the same manner as if the said
contained the quantity of two hundred and twenty weight, marking on each
in figures, " 200 weight." |
Inspector to
brand beef,
&c. |
III. And,
whereas also the quality of beef and pork exported from this state is
often various, and it being proper to discriminate their respective qualities,
Be it
enacted, That the inspector aforesaid is hereby ordered and required,
on inspection,
to brand all barrelled beef and pork by him inspected, that shall be merchantable
and found, either with the word first, second, or third, according
to the quality
thereof; that is to say, barrels of the best quality with the word First,
barrels of
the second quality with the word Second, and all barrels of other inferior
with the word Third. |
And pass and
brand fish,
&c. |
IV. And,
whereas it is further enacted by the said original act, that all fish
barrels imported into the town of Baltimore, shall be of the following
to wit: The staves of the length of twenty-eight inches, and eighteen
inches diameter
at the head, Be it enacted, That from
and after the end of this present session
of assembly it may be lawful, and the inspector is hereby empowered and
to pass and brand any barrels made of good seasoned white oak, and
agreeably to the original act, and filled with sound and merchantable fish,
staves are of length of twenty-seven inches, and whose beads are of
the diameter
of seventeen inches and one half of an inch, and placed at three quarters
of an
inch from the chines, any thing in the original law to the contrary
notwithstanding, |