land, except his just proportion of the expences of surveying, laying
plotting and bounding the said town, which shall be paid in ready money;
ad the said lots so sold, shall be struck off to the highest bidder, but
property shall nt be vested in him until bond and security given, and
ready money paid as aforesaid: Provided, that no lot containing half
acre of ground, shall be struck off at a less price than seven pounds ten
shillings, and so in proportion for lots of less size. |
Proviso. |
VII. Provided
always, That it shall not be lawful for any person to
purchase, take up, enjoy, have or possess, more than three of the same
within twelve months after the same are divided, plotted and laid out as
aforesaid; and no proprietor of the said land shall hold more than three
lots, over and above every fifth lot reserved to him by this act within
said term of twelve months. |
Surveyor to
make out a
plat, &c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the surveyor of the county aforesaid, or
any person whom the commissioners aforesaid, or the major part of them,
shall appoint to survey, plot and lay out the lands aforesaid, as herein
directed, shall make out a fair and exact plat of the town aforesaid,
and survey thereof, whereby each lot, street, lane and alley may appear
be well distinguished by their respective names, and the same plat, with
full and plain certificate thereof, shall deliver to the commissioners
as aforesaid,
or the major part of them, to be entered and reposited as herein after
directed; and that the said surveyor, or the person appointed as aforesaid,
shall have and receive for surveying and laying out the town aforesaid,
such sum as the said commissioners shall think reasonable, to be paid as
herein after directed. |
to employ
a clerk, &c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners, aforesaid, or the major
part of the, shall, and they are hereby required to employ some sufficient
person for their clerk, and shall administer an oath to such clerk, for
due performance of his office, which clerk shall, and is hereby obliged
find and provide a good well bound book, for registering and entering
proceedings of the said commissioners in the premises, and shall duly and
faithfully register and enter in such book, the certificate of the
aforesaid, the price of each respective lot, the name of the owner, and
time of its being taken up, or purchased, as the case may be, and paid
and all other the transactions and proceedings of the aforesaid commissioners
whatsoever, respecting the said town; which said register, together
with the plat or survey of the same town, shall be carefully examined and
inspected by the aforesaid commissioners, or the major part of them, and
clerk of the same county, to be by him recorded among the records of the
said county; and the said commissioners, or the major part of them, shall/
limit and ascertain what fees their clerk shall have and receive for
the several
services by him to be done by virtue of this act, to be paid as
herein after directed. |
A town erected,
&c. |
X. And be it
enacted, That the said lots to be laid out as aforesaid, together
with the lots already laid out, and public ground aforesaid, shall be
erected into a town and called Talbot. |
may remove
nuisances. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners of the said town, or the
major part of them, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, shall
have full power to remove, or cause to be removed, all nuisances that
shall find in any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the said town. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled, &c. |
XII. And be
it enacted, That when any of the commissioners aforesaid
shall die, remove out of the said county, or refuse, or neglect to join
in |