the execution of this act, then, and in such case, the remaining commissioners,
or the major part of them, shall choose others in the place of such
who shall die, remove, refuse, or neglect as aforesaid; and such person
persons so chosen, shall have equal power to act as the commissioners
mentioned. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That each of the said commissioners shall be
allowed the sum of ten shillings current money for every day he shall
attend for the purpose of carrying this act into execution, and all
that shall be incurred in consequence of any thing done under this
act, shall be paid ad satisfied out of the first monies that shall
be paid to
the said commissioners, either by persons taking up or purchasing the
said lots. |
Allowance to
&c. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any person or
persons to keep or raise any geese or swine within the said town, except
in pens or other enclosures, and if any such geese or swine shall be
going at large within the said town, it shall be lawful for any of
the inhabitants
thereof to kill, shoot, or otherwise destroy them; and all and
every person and persons so keeping or raising any geese or swine within
the said town, except as before excepted, shall forfeit and pay for
time such geese or swine, or any one of them, shall be found going
large in said town, the sum of five pounds current money, to be recovered
by the said commissioners, or the major part of them, before a single
magistrate, and applied by them to the use of the said town. |
Geese, &c. not
to go at large,
&c. |
An ACT for the regulation of the markets in Baltimore-town. |
Passed Mar. 6. |
WHEREAS the inhabitants of that part of Baltimore-town
Fell's-point, have built a market-house on a piece of ground
given them by Edward Fell, deceased, and the said market has
been held by common consent on Tuesdays and Fridays in every week,
which said market has not been established by law: And whereas
have, by their petition presented to this general assembly, prayed,
that a
law should pass to regulate said market, and to have a clerk of said
appointed, and the days aforesaid established by law; and the prayer
of the
said petition appearing reasonable, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said
market-house shall be, and is hereby established by law, by the name of
Fell's market; and that all and singular the regulations and provisions
the market, in an act of assembly, entitled, An act for establishing
new markets, and building market-houses in Baltimore-town, and for the
regulation of said markets, passed at a session of assembly in the year
hundred and eighty-four, shall be in force, and executed and extend,
and be construed to extend to the said market described by this act, in
as full
and ample a manner as if the same were herein enumerated and enacted;
and that the commissioners of Baltimore-town, or the major part of them,
are hereby directed to appoint a clerk and other officers of said market
above directed, and conform in all things to the aforementioned act, except
only as to such part as relates to the days on which the said market shall
held, which shall not be extended to the days on which the other markets
in said town are held, but the said Fell's market shall be for ever hereafter
held on the Tuesdays and Fridays of every week. |
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the commissioners of Baltimore-town, or
a major part of them, shall have full power and authority to make such
further rules and regulations for the good government of the several market |
to make
rules, &c. |