III. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, by this act nominated
and appointed, or the major part of them, are hereby empowered
and required, at some time by them, or the major part of them, to be appointed,
before the first day of June next, to meet together on the land
aforesaid, or at some other place near and convenient thereto, and then
there treat and agree, if the same can be done on reasonable terms, with
the owner or owners of the said land, or any person or persons by him or
them authorised to convey the same, for the purchase thereof. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That after the agreement and purchase of the
commissioners aforesaid, they, or the major part of them, shall, and are
hereby required to cause the same land, or such part thereof as they,
or the
major part of them shall judge necessary, except as before excepted, to
carefully surveyed, divided, laid out and plotted by the surveyor of the
county aforesaid, or such person as they, or the major part of them, shall
make choice of and appoint for that purpose, into lots of not more than
half an acre each, allowing such sufficient space or quantity thereof for
streets, lanes, and alleys as to them shall seem meet; and the same lots
laid out, as also those already possessed by the inhabitants of the
said village
or others, and the public grounds within the lines aforesaid, shall number
with numbers one, two, three, and so on, for distinguishing each lot
from the other, and shall cause the streets, lanes, and alleys to be named
and distinguished by certain names, and by good sufficient cedar or
posts or stones to be set up as boundaries to them, and also to the lots
and the expence of procuring and setting up the same shall be paid
as herein after directed. |
After purchase,
land to
be surveyed,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners, or a major part of them,
shall, and they are hereby required to assess, set and ascertain the price
be paid for each of the lots laid out as aforesaid, (except such lots as
be reserved by the proprietors in their agreement with the said commissioners)
according to the value, conveniency and situation thereof, so always
that the prices of all the said lots, added together may amount to the
by them agreed to be given for the said land, and also all expences
to the surveying, dividing, laying out, plotting and bounding the said
and after the said lots are so laid out, bounded and priced, as aforesaid,
the same, except those reserved for the respective proprietors, shall be
sold by the said commissioners, or a major part of them, to the respective
persons who shall first apply to take up the same, and offer to pay the
price of the lot or lots applied for in ready money. |
to set the
price of lots,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That if the said commissioners shall not be able
to purchase the said land, or such part thereof as shall remain after the
of every fifth lot to the owner or owners, from the sid owner or
owners thereof, or such person or persons as shall be authorised by him
them to convey the same, by reason of the refusal of the said owner or
owners, or from any other cause, on or before the first day of June next,
then it shall and may be lawful for them to have the same surveyed, divided,
laid out, plotted and bounded, as herein before directed, reserving
every fifth lot upon such plot to the respective proprietors of said land;
and the said lots, when so surveyed, divided, laid out, plotted and bounded,
the commissioners, or a major part of them, shall, after giving six
weeks notice by advertisement in the Maryland gazette and Pennsylvania
journal, and likewise setting up advertisements at the court-house door
the said county, and at the several churches in the same, expose to public
sale, except those reserved to the proprietors as aforesaid, upon the following
terms; the purchaser to give bond with sufficient security, to be approved
by the commissioners, or a major part of them, to pay the purchase
money, with interest thereon, in twelve months, to the proprietor of the |
And if not able
to purchase
land, &c. to
have the same
surveyed, &c. |