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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 958   View pdf image (33K)
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    2.  This act to continue and be in force for three years, and to
the end of the session of assembly that shall happen thereafter.

    Further continued by December 1813, ch. 149, and other annual continuing

NOV. 1809.

CHAP. 108.

Act to continue
for three years.

                                        CHAP. CIX.
An Act to regulate the Market-House in the Town of William's Port,
                in Washington County. 
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 280.

Passed Jan. 7, 1810.
    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That 
John Langley, Jacob T. Towson, Daniel Weisel, William Van
Lear and Thomas Edwards, be and they are hereby nominated and appointed
commissioners, who are vested with full power and authority,
in virtue of this act, to superintend and regulate the market in
the town of William's Port, in Washington county.
Commissioners appointed
to regulate
    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That from and after the first day of
March next, two days in each week shall be held as market-days
within the town of William's Port aforesaid, to wit, Wednesdays
and Saturdays, and victuals and provisions brought to the said
town for sale, except beef by the quarter or large quantity, and
pork by the hog or hogs, upon these or any other days, shall be
carried to the public market-house of the said town, there to be
sold to the inhabitants at the stated market-house appointed by the
said commissioners as herein directed.
Two days in the
week to be held
as market days.
    3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners are hereby
empowered to ascertain and fix upon a proper hour or time to
open the said market, provided that one month's notice thereof be
given, by advertisement, set up at the market-house, and such notice
be also published the same length of time in the English and
German news-papers printed in Hager's-town, before any person 
or persons shall be affected by the same, and the clerk of the market
shall also give notice of the commencement thereof, each market-day,
by ringing the market-house bell for five minutes next
before the time, and any person or persons who shall buy or sell
any provisions or other article brought to the said market for sale,
(except as excepted in the second section of this act,) before the
ringing of the bell shall be over, shall forfeit respectively for the
same the sum of ten shillings current money for each offence.
Commissioners to
fix upon hour of
opening market,
    4.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners of the town
of William's Port, or a majority of them, be and are hereby invested
with sufficient powers, and it is hereby declared to be their
duty, to let the stalls and stands in or about the said market-house
in said town to butchers or others, at the best yearly rent that can
be got for the same, taking security for the payment thereof, and
to compel payment therefor, and to apply such rents, together with
all fines and forfeitures which shall be incurred by virtue of this
act, towards paying the clerk of the said market a salary, not exceeding
twenty pounds per annum, to be ascertained by a majority
of the said commissioners, for the faithful performance of his duty,
and to apply the residue, if any, in repairing the said market-house.
Commissioners of
town to let out
stalls, &c.
    5.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person appointed commissioner
by this act shall die, refuse, or otherwise be rendered
incapable to discharge the duties enjoined by this act, that the justices
of the levy court of Washington county may nominate and
Vacancies, how
to be supplied.

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 958   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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