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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 959   View pdf image (33K)
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NOV. 1809.

CHAP. 109.

                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

appoint some person or persons in his or their place, so as to make
the number of five commissioners as aforesaid, and that commissioners,
so appointed, shall have the same powers as the commissioners
appointed by this act.

Clerk appointed.


    6.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That George Saunders be and he is
hereby appointed clerk of the said market for one year from the
first of March next; Provided nevertheless, that in case of the
death, resignation, or refusal to act, of the said George Saunders,
a suitable person shall be appointed as clerk of the said market,
by a majority of the said commissioners, who are hereby likewise
vested with power and authority to remove the said George Saunders
for misconduct or neglect of duty.
To be appointed
annually—his duty.
    7.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That from and after the first day of
March, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, the clerk of the
said market shall be appointed annually by a majority of the said
commissioners, and shall be removable by them for misconduct or
neglect of duty, and it shall be the duty of said clerk to take the
possession, care and charge, of the market and market-house aforesaid,
during his continuance in his office, and to inspect all provisions
brought thereto for sale, to try the weights and measures
used at the said market by standards, if any be provided, and
kept there by said commissioners of said market for that purpose,
and the same, when false or untrue, to seize, and dispose to the
highest bidder, and also to try, by standard, the weight of butter,
and such other articles of provision as are generally brought to
market made up at a stated weight, and if they shall be found deficient
in weight, unsound or unwholesome, to seize and sell the
same to the highest bidder, and to pay the money arising from
every such sale to the commissioners, who shall dispose of the
same as herein directed.
Penalty on clerk
for neglecting to
attend market.
    8.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the clerk of the said market,
(unless prevented by sickness, or other unavoidable account or necessity,)
shall, and he is hereby required, to attend the said market,
at such hours as the commissioners may appoint at the different
seasons, and if such clerk shall neglect or repair to attend as
aforesaid, he shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum
of five shillings current money, to be recovered by the commissioners
of said market for the time being, before any justice of the
peace for Washington county, to be paid and applied as by this act
Penalty on persons
buying provisions
except upon stated
    9.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That no inhabitant of the said town,
or other person, shall presume to buy, or cause to be bought, of
any person or persons being and within one mile thereof, or having
brought any kind of victuals or provisions whatsoever to the
said market for sale, (except as before excepted,) either upon the
above stated market-days, or any other day of the week, during
the time of the stated market-houses, at any other place whatsoever,
but at or in the aforesaid market-houses, under the penalty of
twenty shillings current money, to be paid to the commissioners
aforesaid, to be applied as is by this act directed.
On persons selling
    10.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That no person whatsoever, after the
time aforesaid, bringing or sending, or having brought or sent, 
any provisions or victuals to the said town for sale, shall presume
to sell, or cause to be sold, the said victuals or provisions, for

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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