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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 954   View pdf image (33K)
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of them by this act, and the said overseer or overseers shall receive
the same compensation which the overseers of public roads respectively
receive, which compensation shall be respectively levied,
collected and paid, in the same manner that other county charges

NOV. 1809.

CHAP. 99.

                                         CHAP. C.
An act authorising Philemon C. Blake, late Sheriff of Queen-Anne's
    County, to complete his Collection. 
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 272.

Passed Jan. 6, 1810.
                                         CHAP. CI.
An Act authorising a Lottery to raise a sum of Money for building a
    Wharf at the Town of Cambridge, in Dorchester County. 
Lib. TH.
    No. 2, fol. 273.

Passed Jan. 6, 1810.
    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That 
it shall and may be lawful for Thomas Lockerman, James Chaplain,
Joseph E. Muse, James Steele and Josiah Bayly, or a majority
of them, to propose a scheme of a lottery, at any place within
this state, for raising a sum of money, not exceeding three thousand
dollars, and sell and dispose of the tickets at any place within the
same, free from any tax, any law or ordinance of any incorporation
within this state to the contrary notwithstanding; provided
the said Thomas Lockerman, James Chaplain, Joseph E. Muse,
James Steele and Josiah Bayly, or such majority of them as shall
undertake to act under this law, shall, before the sale or disposal
of any ticket or tickets in said lottery, give bond to the state of
Maryland, in the penalty of six thousand dollars, conditioned that
they will well and truly apply so much of the money arising therefrom,
within six months after the drawing of said lottery shall
commence, as will satisfy the fortunate adventurers for prizes
drawn by them, and after deducting the necessary expenses incurred
in said lottery, shall, within twelve months from the time the
drawing of said lottery shall be completed, apply the money raised
by such lottery to the building of a wharf at the town of Cambridge,
in Dorchester county.
Scheme may be
proposed—bond to
be given.
    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the said
commissioners, before they act as such, to lodge the bond made and
entered into as aforesaid in the office of the clerk of Dorchester
county court, there to be recorded, and upon such bond, or any office
copy thereof, suit or suits may be instituted against the obligors
therein, or any of them, or their legal representatives, for any
breach or noncompliance with the conditions of the same.
Bond to be lodged
in clerk's office.
                                        CHAP. CII. 
An Act to erect a Town in Montgomery County, and for other purposes.
                              Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 274.

Passed Jan. 7, 1810.
    WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition
of sundry inhabitants of Hyatt's town, in Montgomery county,
that Jesse Hyatt did formerly lay off a parcel of land into lots for
the purpose of erecting a town, a great part of which have since
been purchased, and considerable improvements made thereon, and
there being no record of the same, the titles of the proprietors thereof
are precarious and uncertain, and it is prayed that the same may
be surveyed, marked, bounded and erected into a town; therefore,

                        VOL. II.                        32


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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