NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 102.
Commissioners appointed
and authorised
to have town
surveyed, &c. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Greenbury Howard, Edward Burgess, junior, and John H. Smith,
be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, who shall, on or
before the first day of August next, meet at Hyatt's-town aforesaid,
and having so met, the said commissioners or any two of them,
shall have power and authority to direct the surveyor of Montgomery
county, or any person whom they may think proper to appoint,
to survey the said town, and the several lots thereon, and
make out an exact plot thereof, and shall ascertain and limit the
extent of the lots, streets and lanes thereof, most agreeably to their
original location, according to the best evidence that can be obtained,
and the said lots, so laid out, shall by them be numbered
one, two, three, and so on, for distinguishing each lot from the
other, and shall cause the said streets and lanes to be named by
certain names; and the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall have power to adjourn from day to day till the duties imposed
by this act are fully performed. |
Lots, when laid
out, to be erected
into a town, &c. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said lots,
when they are surveyed
and laid out by the commissioners aforesaid, or a majority
of them, shall be and are hereby erected into a town, to be called and
known by the name of Hyatt's-town; and the said commissioners,
of a majority of them, are hereby directed to return a correct certificate
and plot of the said lots to the clerk of Montgomery county
court, who is hereby required to record the same among the land
records of said county, and keep the original certificate and plot
in his office, and a certified copy of the original or record, or any
part thereof, shall be conclusive evidence as to the bounds and lines
of the said town, and the lots thereof. |
Persons may be
summoned at request
of proprietors,
&c. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners,
or a majority
of them, are hereby authorised and required, having first
given twenty days notice of the time and place of their meeting, by
public advertisement, to issue summonses for such person or persons
as may be applied for by any of the proprietors aforesaid, which
said witnesses are hereby required to attend, under the penalty of
five dollars for every neglect or refusal, and to examine them upon
their corporal oath, or affirmation, as the case may be, touching
and concerning their knowledge of the bounds, limit and extent, of
any of the lots, streets and lanes, of the said town, and establish
the same accordingly, and each witness attending under any summons
issued as aforesaid, shall be entitled to receive one dollar for
every day he shall so attend. |
Proprietors to provide
and set up
boundary stones. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of the proprietors
of the lots, or any part of a lot, in the said town, to provide
boundary stones, and to have them marked and set up at the termination
of the line or lines of their respective lots, in the presence
of the said commissioners, or a majority of them, which shall thereafter
be deemed and taken to be the true bounds of the said lots or
any of them. |
Vacancies, how to
be supplied. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, If any of the commissioners
shall die,
refuse, neglect, or be rendered incapable to act, the remaining
commissioner or commissioners may appoint some other person in the
place of the person or persons who shall so die, refuse, neglect, or
be incapable to act. |