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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 953   View pdf image (33K)
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NOV. 1809.

CHAP. 96.

                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

Gap, in the South Mountain, in six years, and to Hager's-town
in four years thereafter, then the right of said company to
such road not finished shall revert to the counties respectively.

Old road in certain
cases may be shut
    33.  AND, whereas in making said new road the bed of the old
road is frequently departed from, and doubts are entertained whether
the proprietors of the land through which such parts of the
road pass are authorised in shutting up the same; therefore, BE IT
ENACTED, That wherever the new road shall depart from the bed
of the old road, it shall and may be lawful for the president and
managers of the said company, with the consent of the owner or
owners of the land through which the old road passes, to shut up
the same.

Passed Jan. 6, 1810.
                                        CHAP. XCVII.
An Act for the relief of Edward Foard, of Cecil County.  Lib. TH.
                                No. 2, fol. 269.  A Private Act.

    Making valid his title to a lot of ground in the said county conveyed to him by
James Burgoyne.


Passed Jan. 6, 1810.
                                        CHAP. XCVIII.
An Act authorising Joseph McCeney, late Sheriff of Anne-Arundel
    County, to complete his Collection. 
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 270.

Passed Jan. 6, 1810.
                                        CHAP. XCIX.
An Act to lay out and open a Road from the Little Tonoloway Creek,
    in Washington County, to the Pennsylvania line.  Lib. TH. No.
    2, fol. 271.
Commissioners appointed
to survey
and lay off road.



    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
William Yates, Thomas C. Brent, and Henry Shryock, or a majority
of them, are hereby appointed commissioners to survey and
lay off a public road from the little Tonoloway creek, at the ford
near Hancock-town, to intersect a road leading from Bedford towards
Hancock at the Pennsylvania line, between Jeremiah Stilwell's
and Samuel Grave's; Provided, that the same shall not be laid
out to run over the orchard, garden, yard or meadows, of any
person, without the consent of the owners thereof; and when so surveyed
and laid off, to return a plot thereof to the clerk of said county,
to be there filed; Provided always, that the levy court, for
sufficient cause, may reject said plot and return, and may direct
said commissioners to return another plot of said road, and so from
time to time till a plot shall be returned which shall be approved of
and confirmed by said court.
Court to appoint
an overseer and
levy money.
    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court of said county, if a
plot shall be returned and approved of as aforesaid, be and is hereby
empowered, at the next court thereafter, to appoint an overseer
or overseers to clear and open said road according to said plot, and
to levy such sum of money as in the discretion of said court shall
be considered reasonable, for the purpose of clearing and opening
said road as aforesaid, and the said road, when surveyed, laid out
and opened, as aforesaid, shall be deemed a public road, and shall
be kept in repair as other public roads in said county are.
Allowance to commissioners.     3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners shall be
entitled to receive as compensation the sum of two dollars for every
day they shall attend for the discharge of the duties required

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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