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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 952   View pdf image (33K)
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    28.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said president and managers
of the said turnpike road for the time being, shall and may,
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to grant, demise,
and to farm let, to any person or persons with whom they can
agree, the tolls and duties which they, by virtue of this act, or
their own by-laws, are authorised to demand and receive for passage
in, upon and along the said road, at any such gate or turnpike,
over or upon the same, or any part of the same, for any term
not exceeding seven years, under such rents, reservations and conditions,
as the said president and managers, at any meeting of their
board, shall agree upon, which grants and demises shall have the
same construction, force and effect, as other like grants and demises
made between private persons have and receive.

NOV. 1809.

CHAP. 96.

President and managers
may farm
out tolls.

    29.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That if by the termination of the said
road it should so happen that a fractional part may remain over and
above the even five miles, measuring from Westminster aforesaid,
that it shall and may be lawful for the said company, on the same
being completed agreeably to this act, to make application to the
governor and council, who shall thereupon have the same examined
and licensed as aforesaid, to receive tolls in the same proportions
on the aforesaid fractional part of the said road, as is herein before
allowed to be received on other parts of the road.
Proportional tolls
to be received, &c.
    30.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall and may be lawful for
any corporation or body politic in the United States to become subscribers
for stock in said company, in the same manner as individuals
may become subscribers and stockholders therein, and
transfers of stock in said company may be made by corporations
or bodies politic of their stick in said company in such manner as
the said company shall and may from time to time by their laws
direct and appoint.
Any body politic
may subscribe for
    31.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president and managers of
the Baltimore Reister's-town turnpike road company*, with the 
consent of the commissioners of the Hager's-town turnpike road
company, or a majority thereof, may open books in the manner
herein prescribed, and receive subscriptions for the amount of stock
above specified, and make the road herein mentioned in the same
manner herein described, and have all the rights and privileges
hereby vested in the Hager's-town turnpike road company; and if
the president and managers of the Baltimore and Reister's-town
turnpike company, and the commissioners aforesaid, should not
agree as aforesaid, before the president and managers of the Hager's-town
turnpike road company are elected, the presidents and
managers of the two companies aforesaid may agree to unite into
one joint stock the several stocks of the said companies, and form
one company, which shall be subject to the same conditions, and entitled
to all the rights and privileges, vested by law in either or both
of said companies, and whenever the said agreement is entered into,
the same shall be entered of record on the books of the said company.
Provisions respecting
the union of
this company with
Baltimore and

turnpike company.

*  1804, ch. 51.

    32.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said company shall not
proceed to carry on the said work within two years from the passage
of this act (a), or shall not complete the same as far as Harman's

    (a)  By Nov. 1812, ch. 50, the time is extended to five years from the passage of
that act.

Right to revert to
counties in certain


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 952   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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