or prejudice, such person for mayor, as they, in their judgment
and conscience, believe best qualified for the office, and having
other qualifications required by this act; that the said electors shall
be judges of their own elections, returns and qualifications; but no
person who is a member of either branch of the city council, or
holds any office of profit in the said corporation, shall be eligible
as elector of the mayor; and any vacancy happening in the said
electors of the mayor shall be filled up, without delay, by an election
in all the said wards, to be held as aforesaid, of a person a resident
in the ward where such vacancy happened; and any vacancy
of the mayoralty happening, the same shall be filled up for the remainder
of the term, with delay, by the electors of the mayor for
the time being. |
CHAP. 152. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all nominations
of persons to fill
any office in the said corporation, directed by the act to which this
is a supplement to be made by the second branch of the city council,
shall hereafter be made by a joint nomination of the first and second
branches of the said city council.
By 1817, ch. 148, the mayor shall nominate,
and by and with the advice and
consent of a convention of the two branches of the city council, appoint
all officers
under the corporation except the register, &c. |
Nomination of
persons heretofore
made by second
branch to be
made jointly by
first and second
branches. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no person shall
be eligible as a
member of the first branch of the city council of Baltimore who is
not assessed on the books of the assessor with property, in the city
of Baltimore, to the amount of three hundred dollars, and no person
shall be eligible as a member of the second branch of the said
city council who is not assessed on the books of the assessor with
property, in the city of Baltimore, to the amount of five hundred
dollars; and that so much of the act to which this is a supplement,
as requires that the members of the first branch of the said city
council shall be assessed to the amount of one thousand dollars, and
the members of the second branch to the amount of two thousand
dollars, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. |
Eligibility of
members of the
first and second
branches. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That so much of the
said original act,
or any supplement thereto, as is repugnant to, or inconsistent with,
the herein before contained provisions of this act, be and the same
are hereby repealed; Provided, that the aforegoing clauses and provisions
shall be assented to and adopted at the time and by the convention
herein after mentioned. |
Part of an act
Proviso. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the persons qualified
to vote for
members of the first branch of the city council shall, on the first
Monday in February next, assemble at the usual place of holding
elections in their respective wards in the city of Baltimore, and
elect, by ballot, sixteen persons as delegates to the convention of
the city of Baltimore, two of which said persons, elected by a general
ticket, as aforesaid, shall be residents in each of the said
wards, but no member of the city council, or other officer of the
said corporation, shall be eligible as a delegate to the said convention;
and the said delegates shall, on the second Monday in February
next, meet in convention, at some convenient place in the city
of Baltimore, and assent to and adopt, or dissent from and reject,
the aforegoing alterations and provisions established by this act,
and shall return, in writing, under their hands and seals, a statement
of their proceedings to the register's office of the city of Baltimore, |
Delegates to the
convention of the
city of Baltimore,
how to be elected. |