said road, and to change the location, course and direction, of the
said road thereat, in such manner as to them shall seem right and
proper for the promotion of the public convenience, which said
changes and alterations, when made as aforesaid, shall be deemed
and considered, to all intents and purposes, as the original location
or course of said road; and the said justices of the levy court shall
cause a plot of said alterations and changes to be returned to the
office of the clerk of Baltimore county, to be recorded as the plots
of other public roads are; and the said justices of the levy court of
Baltimore county are hereby authorised and empowered to shut up
such parts of the said last mentioned public road as may be rendered
useless by the said alterations and changes. |
CHAP. 148. |
3. AND, whereas the road from Gravelly Hill
on the Reister's-town
turnpike road, to Philemon Barnes's plantation on the Frederick
county line, is obstructed by fences, and it appearing to this
general assembly that the persons owning the lands where the obstructions
are would be materially injured, and it being reasonable
that damages should be allowed where actually sustained, therefore,
BE IT ENACTED, That on the application of any person or persons
conceiving himself or herself or themselves injured, by reason of removing
the obstructions now existing on the road leading from
Gravelly Hill to Philemon Barnes's plantation, to the levy court of
Baltimore county, they, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised
and required, to appoint five persons, freeholders in, and
residents of, the county aforesaid, to value and ascertain the
damages, on oath, that such person or persons may sustain, taking
into consideration all the advantages and disadvantages, if any,
which shall be final, and return such valuation to the clerk of Baltimore
county court; and the levy court of Baltimore county, at
their next annual levy, are authorised and required to levy the amount
of said damages on the assessable property of said county,
to be collected and paid over to the respective persons to whom the
said damages, if any, shall be awarded, in the same manner as
other county charges are levied, collected and paid.
See 1801, ch. 100, and the acts there referred to. |
Where persons
conceive themselves
injured by
removal of obstructions
on road
from Gravelly
Hill, &c persons
to be appointed to
value damages. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said justices
of the levy court,
upon the application of any person or persons through whose land
the new location of the said public road from the city of Baltimore
to the town of Belle-Air, in Harford county, shall pass, stating
himself to be injured thereby, be and they are hereby authorised
and required to appoint five persons, freeholders and residents of
Baltimore county aforesaid, to value and ascertain, on oath, the
damages sustained by such person or persons aforesaid, taking
all advantages and disadvantages into consideration, a statement of
which valuation shall be returned, in writing, under the hands and
seals of the persons making the same, to the office of the clerk of
Baltimore county; and the said justices of the levy court are hereby
required to levy the amount of such damages upon the assessable
property of said county, and cause the same to be collected in
the same manner that other county levies are, and when collected,
the same shall be paid over to the person or persons authorised to
receive the same. |
On application
court may appoint
persons to value
damages sustained
by new location of
road, &c. |