CHAP. 147.
Passed Jan. 20, 1808.
* 1804, ch. 51. |
A Further Supplement to the act, * entitled, An act to incorporate
Companies to make several Turnpike Roads through Baltimore
County, and for other purposes. Lib. TH. No. 1,
fol. 486. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that the
Baltimore and York turnpike road, as laid out by the commissioners
of review in Baltimore county, between the Western Run and
the Pennsylvania line, have laid out the said road on a straight
line, although it passed over extreme high rocky hills and precipices,
and by varying or altering the course from one to eight perches
in a few places, would lay it out on better ground, not lengthen
the course, and save considerable sums of money to the corporation;
therefore, |
President and
managers authorised
to make any
alteration on certain
part of York
turnpike. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the president and managers of said corporation shall and they are
hereby authorised and directed, to make any alteration in the York
turnpike road, as confirmed by the commissioners of review, from
the Western Run aforesaid to the Pennsylvania line, so as the said
turnpike road shall not vary from the bed or course of the road,
as laid out by the commissioners of review, more than eight perches,
and shall again return into the bed or course of the said road as
soon as convenient; and when the said road shall be so altered and
laid out, two correct plots thereof shall be made out, one to be returned
to the clerk of Baltimore county, and one to the register of
the city of Baltimore, to be by them recorded amongst their records. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act to provide for the making passable through Baltimore County
the Public Road laid out from the City of Baltimore
to the Town of
Belle-Air, in Harford County, and the public Road laid
out from
Gravelly Hill, on the Reister's-Town Turnpike Road,
to Philemon
Barnes's Plantation on the Frederick County line.
Lib. TH. No.
1, fol. 486.
See 1801, ch. 28, and 1803, ch. 67. |
Levy court not
to employ more
than one third
part of criminals
on the road from
Baltimore and
Belle-Air, &c. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court of Baltimore county, after the first
day of February next, shall employ not exceeding one third part
of the number of the criminals labouring on the public roads of
Baltimore county, in opening, repairing, and making passable for
carriages of burthen through Baltimore county, the aforesaid public
road now laid out from the city of Baltimore to the town of
Belle-Air, in Harford county, and shall employ the remaining part
of said criminals in opening, repairing, and making passable for
carriages of burthen through Baltimore county, the aforesaid public
road leading from Gravelly Hill, on the Reister's town turnpike
road, to Philemon Barnes's plantation on the Frederick county line.
See 1800, ch. 8, s. 2; 1801, ch. 77, s. 16; 1811, ch. 128, s. 3. |
Directed to inspect
part of said
road leading from
Baltimore to Belle
Air, which crosses
two hills at the
White Marsh Run,
&c. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said justices
of the levy court,
or a majority of them, shall and they are hereby directed to view
and inspect that part of said road leading from Baltimore-town to
Belle-Air which crosses two large hills at the White Marsh Run,
and that part thereof passing from the south side of the Great
Falls of Gunpowder to or near the mouth of Mr. Gough's lane on |