CHAP. 116.
Levy authorised
on property of said
town. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of the town of Havre-de-Grace
herein after named, to levy a sum, not exceeding two
hundred dollars in any one year, upon the property of said town,
agreeable to the rules and restrictions prescribed in the original act
to which this is a supplement, which said sum or sums of money
so levied and collected, shall be appropriated to such useful public
purpose in said town, as a majority of the commissioners may deem
expedient. |
authorised to lease
out streets and
public grounds. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
aforesaid shall
have full power and authority to lease out to the highest bidder, any
of the streets, or other public ground belonging to said town, for
a term not exceeding three years, and shall cause advertisements to
be set up in such public places in said town as they may think proper,
giving information of the day on which such streets or other
public grounds are to be exposed to let, and all sums of money arising
therefrom shall be appropriated to such beneficial purposes as
a majority of said commissioners may think fit and proper. |
To cause a list
of free male persons
to be taken,
to assist in mending
and repairing
streets, &c. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
aforesaid shall
cause a list to be taken of all the free males in said town, who shall,
when duly warned thereto by the constable of said town, having
written directions from the commissioners aforesaid, assist, either
in person or by substitute, in mending and keeping in repair any
of the streets, lanes or alleys, in said town, or in removing any
nuisances found therein, and any person so warned, and refusing
to act as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar for
every offence, to be recovered as directed by the aforesaid original
law; and the commissioners aforesaid shall have full power and authority
to cause a list of all the dogs belonging to the inhabitants
of said town to be taken, and to assess the sum of two dollars yearly
on each of the said dogs, to be paid by the owner or owners thereof,
to be recovered and appropriated as heretofore directed. |
Proviso. |
5. AND, whereas most of the commissioners
originally appointed
have either died or removed out of the said town, and it is desirable
that residents only shall have power to act as commissioners,
BE IT ENACTED, That from and after the passage of this act, the
following persons shall be and are hereby appointed commissioners
of said town, to wit: Benedict Edward Hall, Roger Boyce, Samuel
Jay, Abel Marple and Gabriel Christie, who shall have all the
powers and authorities given to former commissioners by any law
or laws passed on the subject; Provided, that in case of death,
or removal out of the said town, of any of the commissioners
aforesaid, the vacancy shall be filled with a resident of said
town only. |
Passed Jan. 28, 1806. |
An act to confirm certain acts of Magistrates who hold, or have
Offices under the General Government. Lib.
TH. No. 1, fol.
181. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS persons who hold, or have held, offices
under the general
government, have acted as magistrates in certain instances,
and their proceedings as magistrates are not considered valid; for
remedy whereof, |