CHAP. 118. |
whereas doubts have arisen whether there may have not been some
formal inaccuracy in the above recited proceedings, and a memorial
having been presented, on behalf of the corporation of the Roman
Catholic clergymen, praying that any defects existing may be
remedied; and the object of the said memorial appearing reasonable,
therefore, |
Corporation to
have all the estates,
&c. meant to
be vested by former
act. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the Corporation of the Roman Catholic Clergymen is hereby
confirmed under and by that name, and under the name and style
of The Corporation of the Roman Catholic Clergymen, shall have
all the estates, rights and authorities, meant to be vested in, or
transferred to, the corporation intended and authorised to be established
under and by virtue of the above recited act, entitled, An
act for securing certain estates and property for the support and
uses of ministers of the Roman Catholic religion, passed at November
session, seventeen hundred and ninety-two. |
To be possessed
of property specified
in certain instruments,
Proviso. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the corporation
of the Roman
Catholic clergymen shall be seized and possessed in and of all and
every the property specified in the several above recited instruments,
severally executed by the reverend James Walton, Robert
Molyneux and John Ashton, each being dated on the third day of
October, seventeen hundred and ninety-three, and recorded among
the records of the late general court of the western shore, Liber
J. G. No. 3, folios 285, 286, 287, 288 and 289, in as full and ample
a manner, and of the same estate, title and interest, in law and
equity, as the said several persons executing the aforesaid several
instruments of writing respectively then held and possessed the
same; Provided always, that nothing in this act contained shall
operate to affect the rights acquired by any person to any property
mentioned in the aforesaid several instruments of writing. |
Passed Jan. 28, 1806. |
A Further Additional Supplement to the act, (a) entitled,
An act to
direct Descents. Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 183.
(a) 1786, ch. 45. See 1802, ch. 94, and the acts there referred
to. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS doubts are entertained as to the construction
and operation
of the act to which this is a supplement, in relation to the
right of election therein directed to take the land at the valuation
of the commissioners, where, in their judgment, it will not admit
of division; therefore, |
If eldest male
not of age, eldest
female, if of age,
may elect, &c. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
in case the eldest male shall not be of age to make his election,
agreeable to the provisions of the said act, it shall and may be
lawful for the eldest female, if of age, to elect to take the land at
the valuation of the commissioners, notwithstanding the existence
of any male minor, any thing in the act to which this is a supplement
to the contrary notwithstanding. |