An Act to encourage the destruction of Crows in the several Counties
therein mentioned. (a) Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 494.
(a) This act repealed as to Prince
George's, Cecil, Anne-Arundel, Saint-Mary's,
Charles, Baltimore and Kent, by 1807, ch. 71; and as to Somerset county,
1817, ch. 147. |
CHAP. 96.
Passed Jan. 7, 1804. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That if
any person residing in Kent, Anne-Arundel, Saint-Mary's, Cecil,
Baltimore, Montgomery, Charles, Prince-George's or Somerset
shall bring to any justice of the peace of the county in which
such person shall reside, the head or heads of any crow or crows,
such person shall, for every such head, be allowed, in the county
levy of the said county, the sum of ten cents, and the justices of the
peace before whom such head or heads shall be brought, is hereby
required to give the person bringing the same a certificate thereof,
and cause the said head or heads to be burnt, or otherwise destroyed. |
Allowance for
crows heads. |
That no person
whatsoever shall be entitled for any allowance for any such head
or heads, without first making oath, or affirmation, as the case may
be, that such crow or crows was or were killed in the county where
such certificate is applied for, and that no certificate hath been obtained
from any other justice of the peace for the same; and that it
shall be the duty of each and every justice of the peace before whom
such head or heads may be brought by virtue of this or any other
act now existing for the destruction of crows, to take and receive
the oath or affirmation of the party bringing the same, free and
clear from all charges against the person or persons making such
oath or affirmation, any thing to the contrary in any law notwithstanding. |
Proviso. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all acts relative
to the destruction
of crows in the several counties herein mentioned, heretofore passed,
be and the same are hereby repealed. (b)
(b) These acts passed 1794, ch.
31. 1795, ch. 3. 1796, ch. 39. 1797, ch. 16, 22. |
Acts repealed. |
4. This act to continue and be in force until
the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and six.
Further continued by 1806, ch. 52,
until the 31st of October then next, and until
the end of the next session thereafter, &c. and by general continuing
acts at
every annual session since then. |
Duration. |
An Act for the benefit of Arthur Thompson, of Saint-Mary's County.
Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 495. |
Passed Jan. 7, 1804. |
An act extending the time for taking the Bond of the Sheriff of
County. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 496. |
Passed Jan. 7, 1804. |
WHEREAS it is provided by an act of the general
assembly, passed
at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, (*) entitled,
An act for the amendment of the law in certain cases, that the
sheriff's bond shall hereafter be taken on some day between the
eighth of October and the first day of January in each year: And
whereas Benjamin Ray, junior, the sheriff elect for Montgomery
county, hath not entered into bond agreeable to the above recited
act, therefore, |
* Ch. 540 |