CHAP. 95.
Houses to be erected
large to contain
all tobacco offered
for inspection—
beams, scales, &c.
to be provided. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the person or persons
whose application
shall be granted and allowed by the said court, shall erect
and build such warehouses at his or their expense, sufficiently large
to contain and secure all the tobacco offered for inspection at the
said warehouses, and shall provide, and constantly keep in repair,
at his or their expense, beams, screws, scales, weights, brands and
marking irons, and all other things necessary for inspecting all
tobacco brought to the said warehouses for inspection; and the said
warehouses, when erected and finished, shall be deemed public warehouses,
and the proprietor or proprietors thereof may demand, and
shall be entitled to receive, one dollar, money of the United States,
for each hogshead of tobacco inspected at the said warehouses, before
such hogshead shall be removed, as a full compensation for the
expense of erecting the said warehouses, and keeping the same in
repair, and for the providing proper beams, screws, scales, weights,
brands and marking irons, and all other things necessary for inspecting
tobacco, and for the payment of the salary or salaries to
the inspector or inspectors, as the proprietor or proprietors of the
said warehouses shall agree to pay (a); and if any tobacco shall remain
in the said warehouses above one year after inspection, the
proprietor or proprietors of the said warehouses may demand, and
shall be entitled to receive, the further sum of twelve and a half
cents, money of the United States, for every month thereafter.
(a) By 1805, ch. 98, the salaries
of the inspectors to be fixed by the levy court. |
Levy court to recommend
to governor and
council as inspectors.
* Ch. 63. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the justices of
the levy court of
Baltimore county, or a majority of them, shall, when the said warehouses
shall be erected and finished, and ready for the reception
and inspection of tobacco, nominate and recommend, in writing, to
the governor and council, two, or if requested by the proprietor or
proprietors of the said warehouses, four persons, of whom the governor,
with the advice and consent of the council, is authorised
and required to appoint and commission one person, out of the two
for each warehouse, or two persons out of the four, to be inspector
or inspectors of the said warehouses, in the manner directed
by the act, entitled, An act to regulate the inspection of tobacco,
passed at November session, eighteen hundred and one. * |
Houses when
erected, to be under
same regulations
as others.
† 1801, ch. 63. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said warehouses,
(when erected,)
shall be in all respects under the same regulations as other
public warehouses for inspection of tobacco in this state are by law,
except where it is otherwise provided by this act; and the inspector
or inspectors of the said warehouses, (when appointed,) shall qualify
and give bond, and be subject in every respect, to the regulations
established by the said act, † entitled, An act to regulate the
inspection of tobacco, as if the said warehouses had been established
by the said act, except where it is otherwise provided by this act. |
Inspectors to account
quarterly. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every inspector,
appointed and
acting as such at the said warehouses, shall account quarterly, (or
oftener if required,) with the proprietor or proprietors of the said
warehouses, for all money by him received for the inspection of tobacco,
and shall pay the same quarterly, and if required, shall give
bond, with security, to such proprietor or proprietors, to account
and pay as by this act is required. |