2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Prince-George's
county shall be divided into
six separate districts, and that the additional district shall be laid
off adjoining
and between the second, third, and fifth districts.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if this act shall be
confirmed by the general
assembly of Maryland, after the next election of delegates, in the first
after such new election, as the constitution and form of government directs,
such case this act, and the alterations herein contained, shall constitute
and be
considered a part of said constitution and form of government, to all intents
and purposes, any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
An Act (q) to confirm an Act passed at December Session eighteen
hundred and
sixteen, entitled, An act to alter, change and repeal,
all parts of the Constitution
and Form of Government of this State, as relate to the
division of
Prince George's County into Election Districts.
Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 378.
(q) 1817, ch. 9.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That an act passed at
December session eighteen hundred and sixteen, entitled, An act to alter,
change and repeal, all such parts of the constitution and form of government
of this state as relate to the division of Prince-George's county into
districts, be and the same is hereby confirmed.
An Act (r) to repeal all that part of the Constitution and
Form of Government as
relates to the division of Allegany county into six
separate Election Districts.
Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 171.
(r) 1816, ch. 32.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that great convenience
would result to the voters of Allegany county by increasing the number
of election
districts in said county; therefore,
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Allegany county,
for the purpose of holding all future elections in the said county, shall
be divided
and laid off into eight separate election districts.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all that part of the
constitution and form of
government, whereby Allegany county hath been divided and laid off into
separate election districts for the purpose aforesaid, be and the same
is hereby
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if this act shall be
confirmed by the general
assembly of Maryland, after the next election of delegates, in the first
after such new election, as the constitution and form of government directs,
such case this act, and the alterations herein contained, shall be constituted
a part of the said constitution and form of government, any thing to the
An Act (s) to confirm an Act to alter and change all such
parts of the Constitution
and Form of Government as relates to the division of
Allegany County into eight
separate Election Districts. Lib. TH. No.
5, fol. 382.
(s) 1817, ch. 14.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act,
entitled, An act to alter and change all such parts of the constitution
and form
of government as relates to the division of Allegany county into eight
election districts, be and the same is hereby confirmed to every intent
and meaning