An Act (n) to alter the time of the meeting of the General
Assembly of this State,
and for other purposes. Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 304.
(n) 1811, ch. 211.
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the time of
the meeting of the General Assembly shall be on the first Monday in December
in each year, instead of the first Monday in November, as is now prescribed
the constitution and form of government.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the governor of this
state shall be chosen on
the second Monday of December in each and every year, in the same manner
as is now prescribed by the constitution and form of government; and the
to the governor shall be elected on the first Tuesday after the second
of December in each and every year, in the same manner as is now prescribed
by the constitution and form of government.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all annual appointments
of civil officers in this
state shall be made in the third week of December in every year, in the
manner as the constitution and form of government now directs.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every part
of the constitution and
form of government that is repugnant to or inconsistent with the provisions
this act, be, and the same is hereby repealed, abrogated and annulled,
the confirmation hereof.
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if this act shall be
confirmed by the general
assembly after the next election of delegates, in the first session after
such new
election, as the constitution and form of government directs, that in such
this act and the alterations and amendments therein contained, shall be
and considered, and shall constitute and be valid as a part of the said
and form of government to all intents and purposes, any thing in the said
constitution and form of government to the contrary notwithstanding.
An Act (o) to confirm an act passed at November session eighteen
hundred and
eleven, entitled, " An act to alter the time of the
meeting of the General Assembly
of this State, and for other purposes." Lib.
TH. No. 3, fol 470.
(o) November 1812, ch. 129.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That an act, entitled,
" An act to alter the time of the meeting of the General Assembly
of this state
and for other purposes," be, and it is hereby confirmed and made valid
to every
intent and purpose therein mentioned.
An Act (p) to alter, change and repeal, all such parts of
the Constitution and Form
of Government of this State, as relate to the division
of Prince-George's County
into Election Districts. Lib. TH. No. 5, fol.
(p) 1816, ch. 26.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition of sundry
inhabitants of Prince-George's county, that they experience great inconvenience
for want of a sixth election district in said county, and praying an alteration
in the second, third, and fifth districts, so as to admit a sixth district
between; and the prayer of the petitioners appearing reasonable, Therefore,
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all that part
of the constitution and form of government, made such by the act of seventeen
hundred and ninety-eight, which directs that Prince-George's county shall
divided and laid off into five separate districts, be and the same is hereby