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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3182   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.












    The chancellor may determine all cases for alimony
as fully as the ecclesiastical courts of England,
    If any man shall have one or more children by any
woman whom shall afterwards marry, such child or
children, if acknowledged by the man, shall in virtue
of such marriage and acknowledgment, be legitimated,
and capable in law to inherit and transmit inheritance
as if born in wedlock,

    See Infants.

    On loan of money by a foreigner to a citizen of this
state on legal interest, any mortgage made to secure 
the same, acknowledged and recorded as the law directs,
to be good and valid, and to stand as a security
according to its purport; and although there be no
covenant or express agreement for the payment of 
such money, the mortgagor, his heirs, &c. to pay as
if such express covenant had been inserted,
    The court of chancery to foreclose such mortgage,
&c. in order to compel the payment,
    The legislature not to interfere,
    Manner of decreeing a foreclosure or sale of mortgaged
property possessed by persons under age, idiots,
lunatics, or non compos mentis,

    Proceedings in chancery, where a mortgagor, his
heirs, &c. shall be a British subject, and the person
having the right a citizen,
—— Where a mortgagor of real property within this
state to a citizen thereof shall reside out of the state,
and within the United States,
——  When a mortgagor has removed, and his situation,
or that of his representatives, cannot be ascertained,


    See Idiots.  Infants.  Lunatics.

    Upon actions in bond against trustees appointed by
the chancellor, or county courts, for sale of real estates
of minors, the plea of non est factum not to be
received unless verified by affidavit,

    See Chancery.  County Courts.

    See Chancery.  County Courts.


    See Chancery.

    See County Courts.

    See Guardians.  Infants.

    The orphans courts or the chancery court, empowered
to decree or give directions to executors or administrators,
with a copy of the will annexed, to retain
the personal estate or a part thereof, after all
claims are discharged whereby the will, money, or
some other thing is directed to be paid, at a distant
period or upon a contingency,

        Session  Ch.  S.

Feb.    1777      12  14

            1786      45    7

            1784      58    2

            ——      —   3
            ——      —  —

            1785      72    1

            ——      —  29

            ——      —  30

            1794      60    9

            1816    154    3

1798, No. 101     10  11

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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