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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3181   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.












——  Such answer to be evidence in the same manner
as the defendant's answer to the bill, and the same
process to issue to compel answer to such interrogatories
as to compel an answer from the defendant,

    See Chancery.  County Courts.  Descents.


    Directions relative to the time and place of attending
of some one of the associate judges of the several
judicial districts relative to the matter of adjudication
upon the equity side, &c.
    Clerks of the several county courts to attend the
judge, &c.
    County courts to appoint the days on which said
judges shall attend as aforesaid, &c.
    Judges not to interfere in any cause or process now
depending, or hereafter to be brought or issued, before
or by the chancellor, or to change the manner of
issuing writs of error,
    Judges of the county courts to exercise concurrent
jurisdiction with the chancellor, &c.
    See County Courts.

    See County Courts.

    Amount for which bills may be filed in chancery,
    County courts may exercise original concurrent
jurisdiction with the court of chancery,
    See County Courts.

    Where legacies are payable at a future period, or
on a contingency, the court of chancery may direct
relative thereto,
    The payment of legacies may be compelled by suit
in chancery,

    The money due to the remainder of the children or
persons entitled by descent to land after the division
and acceptance thereof by those, entitled, in the manner
therein mentioned shall be a lien on the land so
    Bonds taken under the act to direct descents to
be a lien on the land, &c.

    See Descents.

    The limitations of real estates therein mentioned
by descent or otherwise, not affected by the act to direct

    See Idiots.  Infants.


    No part of the real estate of a ward to be diminished
on account of the maintenance or education of
such ward, without the approbation of the chancery
court, as well as the orphans court,
    The principal of an infant's estate not to be applied
to the education or maintenance of such infants, without
the approbation of the chancellor or county

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1785      72   21

            1814      94    8

            ——      —  —

            ——      —  —

            ——      —    7

            1815    163    1

April   1715      41    7
            1814      94
            1815    163

1789, No. 1       10  11

            ——      14    6

            1786      45    9
            ——      —    8
            Note (d)

            1786      45    6

1798, No. 1,    12   10

            1816    154    8

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3181   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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