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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3180   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.





    Provision made for division or sale of real estates
descending to infants,

——  Directions for the appointment of guardians
to infants on application for such division or sale,
    See Descents.
    Where infants are possessed of lands, &c. chancellor
or county courts, upon petition for sale, may, if
it appeal beneficial to such infant, direct a sale,
    The principal of an infant's estate may be applied
to the maintenance of such infant, with the approbation
of the chancellor or county courts,
    On the death of infants, proceeds on sale considered
as real estate, and to descend in the same manner as if
no sale had been made,
    Where infants are seized of a reversion, &c. powers
of the chancellor or county courts,
    See County Courts.
    The provisions of the act of 1816, ch. 154, respecting
the sales of the real estates of minors, extended
to the personal estate, &c.

    Directions respecting injunctions to stay waste,
    Where an injunction is prayed to stay proceedings
at law for the payment of any debt claimed by the
state, the chancellor shall not order such injunction
on the affidavit of the complainant only, but shall be
fully satisfied by other proof that the material facts in
the complainant's bill are true,
    On application for an injunction to stay proceedings
at law, the chancellor shall have power to prescribe
the penalty of a bond to be executed with a
surety or sureties to be approved by him, before such
injunction is granted,
    Where an injunction is obtained by executors or
administrators, on filing such bonds the chancellor
may decree against them as equity and good conscience
    On a judgment on motion against a sheriff or collector
or for refusing or neglecting to pay over money,
no injunction allowed,
    Directions respecting property taken in execution
on which an injunction has issued,
    Where a perpetual injunction is decreed against
the state, the chancellor may order the treasurer to
cancel the bond,
    The judges of the several judicial districts
may grant injunctions, &c.
    See County Courts.

    Directions respecting inquisitions from the chancery
court on persons named as executors being alleged
to be idiots, &c.

    See County Courts.

    In commissions from the court of chancery the
commissioner shall read the interrogatories so that
they may be heard by the parties, their attornies or
——  Each party on application entitled to a copy of
the interrogatories of the adverse party before any
examination is made,
——  Directions respecting the adjournment of the
commissioner for the purpose of receiving additional
interrogatories, &c.
    In all cases the defendant in chancery may exhibit
interrogatories to the plaintiff, which shall be answered
by him in writing on oath,

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1786      45     8

            ——      —    8

            1816    154    1

            ——      —    8

            ——      —    9

            ——      —  13

            1819    144    2

            1785      72  28

            1786      53    3

            1793      75    2

            ——      —    3

            1797      43    1

            1799      79  10

            ——      —  11
            1814      94    2
            1815    163    5

1798, No. 101     4    5

            1785      72  14

            ——      —  —

            ——      —  —

            ——      —  21

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3180   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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