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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3179   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.






    Surplus interest to be invested as aforesaid,
    Upon petition of guardians for the sale of the real
estate of infants, courts to issue commission, &c. to
ascertain the real value of the lands, &c.
    In case of lands descending to minors residing out
of the state, court to issue commission to appoint
guardian (on bill being filed,) to defend the suit, &c.
    The court issuing a commission for the valuing, division,
or sale of a real estate, shall appoint a guardian
for the purpose, if a minor who has not a guardian
shall be interested,


    Limitations of real estates to special or particular
heirs, as therein mentioned, not affected by the act to
direct descents,

    Real estate received by way of advancement may
be brought into hotchpot,
    See Advancement.  Descents.


    Chancellor may order their property to be sold for
their support,
    Trustee for that purpose to be appointed, &c.
    The whole property may be sold if it will not admit
of division, &c. and to direct the application of the
money, and also in what funds the said sales shall be
vested, &c.
    Sales to be notified and confirmed by the chancellor
before a deed is given,
    Bond to be given by the trustee, with good security
to be approved by the chancellor, for the due execution
of the trust, &c.
    On the death of the idiot to whom the money is to
    Chancellor may upon application, &c. send idiots,
&c. to the hospital,
    May remove such idiot, &c.
    For other matters, see Infants,

    Manner of legitimating them,

    Directions respecting conveyances by infants,
or their guardians, of lands bound by contract, &c.
  Respecting decrees for the foreclosure or sale
of mortgaged property in which infants are concerned,

  Respecting the sale (for payment of debts) of
real estates descending or devised to infants,
  Respecting the sale of lands, &c. in which infants
have a joint interest, or interest in common
with other persons,
  Respecting conveyances of lands bound by contract
ton infants,
  Respecting the partition of lands, &c. in which
infants have a joint interest, or interest in common
with other persons,
  Respecting the sale (for payment of debts) of
real estates descending or devised to infants in other
  Same as to infants out of the United States,

    See Chancery.

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1816    154    6

            1818    133    2

                193  12

            1786      45    8

                  Enbsp;   6

                  Enbsp;   5

            1800      67    2
                  Enbsp; E/font>

                  Enbsp;   3

                  Enbsp;   4

                  Enbsp; E/font>

                  Enbsp;   5

May     1813      21    1
                  Enbsp;   2

            1786      45    7

            1773        7    1
            1778      22    2

            1785      72    1

                  Enbsp;   5

                  Enbsp;   1

            1791      79    4

            1794      60    8
            1797    114    5

            1789      46    2
            1790      38    2
            1799      79    4

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3179   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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