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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3178   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.











    Directions to executors where by the will it is necessary
to retain the personal estate, or part of it, on
money being payable at a distant period, &c.
    Executors may be compelled by suit in chancery
to pay legacies, &c.
    See Administrators.


    Cases in which the father shall take lands under the
ac to direct descents,

    Savings in chancery proceedings as to the
limitation of actions,

    Directions respecting fieri facias issuing from the
chancery court,

    See Chancery.

    The register or county clerks to record the final
discharges, &c. of trustees, &c.

    For every contempt incurred in chancery there
shall be paid to the register, (and be accounted for, a
fine not exceeding l10,
    A fine to be ordered and enforced against sheriffs
for not bringing in persons taken by them,
——  For refusing, neglecting, or delaying to make returns
of process not exceeding l10,
    The officer, &c. neglecting to return a writ of habeas
corpus, &c. to forfeit to the prisoner $500, and
the right of action not to cease by death, &c.
    A fine not exceeding $50 imposed on sheriffs on
failure to return process issued from the county courts
as courts of equity, &c.
    The clerk or register of any court of justice refusing
to make up and complete his records, &c. to forfeit
a sum not exceeding $100  for every offence, &c.

    Mortgages made to foreigners for money lent to be
good and valid,
    Proceedings against them when mortgagors,
    See British Subjects.

    In suits in chancery against infants for foreclosure
or sale of mortgaged property, bond to be given to reconvey
or pay back, on its appearing that there was
fraud in obtaining the deed, &c.


    Power of the chancellor to commit to the gaols
therein mentioned,

    No part of the real estate of infants to be diminished
by guardians without the consent and approbation
of the chancellor, as well as the orphans court, 
    Nothing in this act to affect the general superintending
power of the chancery court, with respect to
    Proceeds of sales to be paid over by trustees to
guardians to be invested under the directions of the
orphans court,

        Session  Ch.  S.

1798, No. 101  10  11

            ——      14   6

            1786      45    2
            1773        7    4
April   1787      30    3

            1785      72  25

            1818    134    1

            1785      72  22

            ——    —  23

            ——    —  24

            1809    125    3

            1815    163    7

            1817    119    7

            1784      58    2
            1785      72  29

            ——    —     2

            ——    —  33

1798, No. 101  12  10

               ——  12  16

            1816    154    6

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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