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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3166   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.









    The clerks or registers of courts of justice to make
up their records, &c.
    The provisions of the act of 1817, ch. 139, for the
conveyance and return of process, extended to the
chancery court,

    See Chancery.

    Fees allowed them in chancery proceedings,
    See County Courts.

    Directions for the issuing commissions to perpetuate
testimony in the chancery court,
    The parties, and their attornies or agents, shall have
a right to be present at the execution of all commissions
issued from the court of chancery,
  Directions respecting the execution of such
  Allowance to witnesses summoned thereon,
  Manner of enforcing the payment,
    Commission for taking depositions may issue with
the consent of both parties, to one person instead of
  Allowance to commissioners,
    Commission for any other purpose may issue with
the like consent and approbation of the chancellor,
to one person, or to three with power to any two,
    Commission to be allowed by the chancellor to
guardians, trustees, &c. making disposition or sale
of property under an order or decree,

    Commission to issue for dividing or valuing the
real estates of persons dying intestate where the
parties cannot agree, or any one is a minor,

    County courts to issue commission to take answers
of defendants, and also take depositions of
witnesses, &c.
    Where a widow entitled to dower does not consent
to a sale of the whole lands, &c. county courts or
chancellor to issue commission, &c.
    See Chancery.  County Courts.

    See County Courts.  Chancery.

    The chancellor may appoint a committee for lunatics,

    The rule of common law shall take place between
the parties entitled to real estate, as to the enjoyment
thereof, if it consist of things indivisible in their nature,

    The chancellor empowered to determine all disputes
between the purchasers of confiscated property and
the state,
    Deeds to be executed by the chancellor on sales
made by governor and council,
    Where purchases have been made before the
act of confiscation and no deed executed, on bill filed
chancellor to decree a conveyance on money being
paid, if any due,
    The chancellor to execute deeds for lands sold by
the commissioners of confiscated British property, &c.

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1817    119    7

            1819    144    3

            1779     25    3

July    1799        8    8

            1785      72  14

                Enbsp;  15
                Enbsp;  16
                Enbsp;  18

            1795      88    4
                Enbsp; E/font>

            1799      79    6

April   1787      30    5

            1784      45    8
            1797    114    6
            1799      49

            1815    163    4

            1816    154  11

            1785      72    6

            1786      45    8

April   1787      30    4

            1802    100   11

            1805      93


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3166   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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