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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3167   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.



    Contracts to purchasers, although without deed,
not to be affected by a decree for recording deeds
which have not been recorded in time,
    Contracts made for lands, &c. held by infants, idiots,
&c. may, if advantageous to both parties, be confirmed
by the chancellor,
    Where a bill is filed to complete the performance of
any contract in any county court of a county where
respondent does not reside, although performance to
be executed in some other place, the court to hold
plea thereof, and to decree according to the equity of
the case, such decree to have the force and effect of a
decree of the chancellor, &c.

    Manner of compelling a conveyance from infants,
idiots, &c. of lands mortgaged, charged with the payment
of money or tobacco, and liable to a decree for
sale, or bound by agreement to convey,

  Such infants, &c. to be bound by conveyances
made in such cases by their guardians,

  Such conveyances before made by said guardians
to be valid,
    Provision for the recording of deeds by the decree
of the chancellor which had been or might be executed,
and not recorded,
    Manner of obtaining a conveyance where a person
having contracted in writing for the sale of any real
estate shall die seized intestate, and without heirs of
the whole or of the half blood,
    Directions respecting suits in chancery against persons
residing out of the state to compel a conveyance,

    Manner of decreeing a conveyance where a person
seized of land contracts for the sale thereof, and dies
without performing the agreement, having devised or
left the said land to descend to an infant, idiot, &c.
    Manner of decreeing a conveyance where any persons,
their heirs, devisees or representatives, are bound
by contract, and are nonresidents of this state,
    Manner of vesting the legal title and estate, where
a person having contracted for the sale of lands, &c.
and not having conveyed them, dies without leaving
an heir known of or capable of inheriting his real estate,

    Directions respecting the conveyance where an
equitable interest is purchased under a decree of the

    Conveyances by guardians, trustees or committees,
under a decree for partition, valid,
  How to be made to purchasers of confiscated
property sold by the governor and council,
    The chancellor empowered to decree a conveyance
in certain cases where sales have been made by British
subjects, and no conveyance executed, &c.
  To execute deeds in cases where the commissioners
of confiscate British property have sold, and
deeds by them executed are inoperative, &c.
    How to be made to purchasers, &c. under the act
to direct descents,

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1785      72  11

                Enbsp;  12

            1815    163    2

            1773        7    1

Oct.    1778      22    2

                Enbsp;   3

            1785      72  11
            1792      41    3

            1785      78    1

April   1787      30    2

            1791      79    4

            1792      41    2

                Enbsp;    4

            1794      60    4

                Enbsp;    8

            1802    100  11

            1805      93


            1802      94    6

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3167   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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