OCT. 1778.
CHAP. 22. |
so to be had and made as aforesaid, shall be as good,
valid and effectual in law, as if such infant or infants were, at the
time of making such deed or deeds, conveyance or conveyances,
assurance or assurances, of the full age of twenty-one years, and
had by him, her or themselves, executed the same, any thing in the
said recited act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. |
Conveyances valid,
&c. |
3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That all conveyances
deeds heretofore made by the guardian or guardians of any infant
or infants, in the cases aforesaid, pursuant to the direction of the
chancery court, shall and they are hereby declared to be valid and
effectual, and to have such operation and effect as declared by the
decree or order of the chancellor who directed the same. |
Proviso. |
reserved to the
infant or infants herein before mentioned, and the heirs of such
infant or infants, to shew cause why such deed or deeds, conveyance
or conveyances, assurance or assurances, ought not to have
been ordered or directed, within six months, as limited in the said
recited law, and in the manner and within the time therein mentioned. |
An Act establishing a mode to perpetuate Testimony. Lib.
No. 1, fol. 165. |
Commission may
issue to perpetuate
testimony. |
8. AND, for regulating the chancery practice
in the case of perpetuating
testimony, BE IT ENACTED, That commission shall and
may issue to perpetuate testimony on bill for that purpose, before
any appearance of the party defendant, to such four persons, in
the usual manner, as the chancellor may approve, and on return
of said commission, if no good objection be made thereto in twelve
months from the time of such return, the chancellor shall and may
order the same to be recorded in perpetual memory, any law or
usage to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Passed Jan. 22, 1785. |
A Bill, entitled, An act to secure the payment, and to give a recovery,
of Money lent by Foreigners to Citizens of this State
on Mortgage
of Lands. Lib. TBH. No. A. fol. 510. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it may prove advantageous to citizens of
this state,
were foreigners enabled to lend them money on mortgages, and
such loans may conduce much to the improvement of the country; |
Certain loans valid,
&c. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
on the actual loan of money by any foreigner to any citizen of
this state, on an interest or premium not exceeding six per cent.
by the year, (the present legal rate of interest,) any mortgage
made for the security of the principal leut, and the interest agreed |