An Act concerning Marriages.
Lib. GR. fol. 39. |
FEB. 1777.
CHAP. 12. |
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the chancellor
shall and may
hear and determine all causes for alimony, in as full and ample
manner as such causes could be heard and determined by the laws
of England in the ecclesiastical courts there. |
Chancellor to determine
causes for
alimony. |
A Supplementary act to an act, entitled, An act for the amendment
of the Law. Lib. GR. fol. 337. |
Passed Dec. 16, 1778. |
WHEREAS doubts have been conceived under the act,
An act for the amendment of the law, passed in the year seventeen
hundred and seventy-three (a,) whether persons under the age of
twenty-one years are intended to be bound by any deed or conveyance
made and executed by the guardian or guardians only of such
persons under age, pursuant to the direction of the court of chancery,
in the cases in the said act specified;
(a) Ch. 7, November Session. |
Preamble. |
2. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED, by the General
Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the twentieth day of December,
seventeen hundred and seventy eight, any person or persons under
the age of twenty-one years, seized or possessed of any lands,
tenements or hereditaments, in trust, or by way of mortgage, or
seized or possessed thereof, charged or chargeable with the payment
of money or tobacco, and therefore subject or liable to a decree
for sale, or bound by an agreement to convey, made by some
person or persons having right or title to make such agreement,
and therefore subject or liable to a decree for sale, or bound by an
agreement to convey, made by some person or persons having
right or title to make such agreement, and therefore subject or
liable to a decree for conveyance, on a suit for a specific performance
or execution of such agreement, shall, by the direction of
the court of chancery, signified by an order made upon the petition
of the person or persons for whom such infant or infants shall
be seized or possessed in trust, or of the mortgagor or mortgagors,
or other person or persons entitled to redemption, or person or
persons entitled to money or tobacco, secured by or upon the said
lands, tenements or hereditaments, or of the person or persons entitled
to any money or tobacco, with the payment whereof the said
lands, tenements or hereditaments, are or shall be charged or
chargeable, or of the person or persons entitled to a specific performance
or execution of such agreement as aforesaid, be bound
and concluded by any deed or deeds, conveyance or conveyances,
assurance or assurances, made and executed by the guardian or
guardians (to be appointed by the said court,) of such person or
persons, under the age of twenty-one years as aforesaid, in pursuance
of such order and direction of the court of chancery, and
such deed or deeds, conveyance or conveyances, assurance or assurances, |
Certain deeds
good, &c. |