1818. |
ten per centum advance on the original subscription price per
share; provided, the said bank shall agree to purchase the same
on or before the first day of May next; and in the event of such
purchase, the said bank may, if the same be found necessary or
useful to the institution, sell and dispose of, (during the unexpired
term of its charter,) stock in said bank to the amount of eighty-five
thousand dollars in shares of twenty-five dollars each. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
Relative to the
Potomac Company. |
No. 29.
RESOLVED, That the term of payment of the loan of
thousand dollars due this state from the Potomac company on the
first day of January last, be and the same is hereby extended to
the first day of December one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one;
provided that the president and directors of the Potomac
company pay to the treasurer of the western shore, on or before
the first day of July next, the interest due on said loan. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
Relative to public
circle. |
No. 30.
RESOLVED, That the committee appointed by the governor
council to superintend the improving the public circle, be requested
to ascertain and report to the next general assembly, what sum of
money would be necessary to cap the wall around the circle, either
with iron or stone, and to state in their report whether they think
the wall capable of bearing such capping; and that the treasurer
of the western shore pay to the order of the governor and council,
any sum not exceeding seven hundred dollars, for the purpose of
putting a temporary wooden capping to guard against the weather. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
Relative to academies. |
No. 31.
RESOLVED, That the trustees of the several academies
in this
state, to which donations have been granted, be and they are hereby
ordered and directed to make an annual report to this house, of
the money they have or may receive from the treasurer of the western
shore, for the use of said academies, and in what manner the
same has been appropriated and applied, the number of pupils, and
the state of the seminaries. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
Resolution of 1816
rescinded. |
No. 32.
RESOLVED, That the resolution authorising the treasurer
to subscribe
ten thousand dollars of the stock in The Farmers and Merchants
Bank of Baltimore, passed at December session 1816, be
and the same is hereby rescinded. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
Relative to Cumberland
Road. |
No. 34.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they
are hereby
authorised and requested, to endeavour to ascertain the best
terms upon which the possession of the Cumberland Bank Road
can be obtained by the state, with a view that the said road shall
be held by the state to promote the general interests of the trade
and intercourse of Maryland with the western country; and also
to enquire upon what terms the said banks will consent, (in the
event of the said roads remaining in their hands,) to release from
toll all wagons and carriages of heavy burden, the tire of whose
wheels shall be of a certain fixed width, and to report the result of
their enquiries to the next general assembly, in the first week of
the session. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819. |
No. 36.
WHEREAS, by a resolution passed at the last general assembly
of this state, the treasurer of the western shore was authorised |