copies; to the secretary of state, one copy; and to each state, one
copy; to the Baltimore library company, one copy; to the public
academies in the several counties of this state, one copy.
RESOLVED, That the remaining copies, not herein directed
to be
distributed, be deposited in the council chamber, subject to the future
disposition of the legislature. |
1818. |
No. 20.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they
are hereby
authorised and requested, to dispose of all the gunpowder belonging
to the state, and also of any other military stores of a
perishable nature now on hand, upon such terms as they may consider
most advantageous to the interests of the state, and the money
arising from the sales thereof to deposit in the public treasury;
and that they also be requested to make enquiry and endeavour
to ascertain where a place of permanent deposit for the arms and
military stores of the state can be obtained, and report the result
of their enquiries to the next general assembly, and in the mean
time to adopt such measures as may be necessary for the safe preservation
of the public arms. |
Passed Feb. 19,1819.
Relative to the
military stores. |
No. 21.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
be and he
is hereby directed, to pay unto William Dixon, late a revolutionary
soldier, or to his order, annually, in quarterly payments, during
life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
In favour of Wm.
Dixon. |
No. 24.
RESOLVED, That the commissioners of the school fund
for Baltimore
county be and they are hereby required, to receive the one
half of said fund not heretofore paid to them, which together with
the one half of hte same fund heretofore received by them, and not
expended, they are hereby required to pay over in the following
manner, viz. To the Union Board of Delegates from the Male
Sunday School Societies of Baltimore; to the Female Union Society
for the promotion of Sabbath Schools in the City of Baltimore;
to the Orphaline Charity School; and to such other institutions
of a similar character as are or may be formed in the city of
Baltimore, in such portions as will, in the judgment of said commissioners,
most effectually promote the education of poor children
in the city of Baltimore. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
In favour of commissioners
school fund for
Baltimore county. |
No. 25.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
pay to the
directors of the penitentiary, or their order, the sum of thirteen
thousand seven hundred and forty-one dollars and eighteen cents,
out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, to reimburse the
expenditure made by them in repairing that building when injured
by fire. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
In favour of Directors
of Penitentiary. |
No. 26.
RESOLVED, That the loan heretofore made by this
state to the
Trustees of Saint Peter's Free School in Baltimore, be and the
same is hereby continued for three years from the time the same
became due. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
In favour of St.
Peter's Free
School. |
No. 27.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
be and he is
hereby authorised to sell and dispose of the right of subscribing
for the unsubscribed shares reserved to this state in the stock of
the Franklin Bank of Baltimore, to the said bank, at the rate of |
Passed Feb. 19. 1819.
Relative to sale of
stock. |