to be by said trustees applied towards building the most convenient
house in their judgment as a residence for the principal of the said
school, and for such other purposes as they may think most conducive
to the interest and welfare of the same. |
CHAP. 113. |
3. AND, that the said sum, when so paid, shall
be returned by
the trustees for the time being in the course of ten years, (a) with
legal interest annually thereon, and to secure the repayment of the
sum aforesaid in the treasury of the western shore, BE IT ENACTED,
that on the receipt of the same by the trustees of Charlotte Hall
school, or their order, the title to the whole of the real property
now belonging to said school shall be vested in the state
of Maryland, subject to redemption on the payment of the sum
aforesaid, with legal interest annually thereon.
(a) Extended
by November 1812, ch. 22, to the 1st of April 1823. |
Title to real property
to be vested
in the state. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That on the failure
of the trustees aforesaid
to pay the interest on the said sum annually, it shall be the
duty of the treasurer to withhold so much of the sum heretofore appropriated
as an annual donation to the said school as shall be equal
to the interest that may be so unpaid; and that if the said sum of
one thousand pounds shall not be repaid to the treasury of the western
shore at the time limited by this act, the donation aforesaid
shall thereupon cease until the said sum, and the interest thereon
accruing, shall be made up out of the same, if it shall be thought
right and proper by the legislature, instead of selling the property
belonging to the said school for the purpose of repaying the sum
aforesaid. |
Trustees failing to
pay interest annually
treasurer to
withhold donation. |
in addition to
the security aforesaid, and before the treasurer of the western
shore shall advance the aforesaid sum of one thousand pounds current
money, bond shall be given to the state of Maryland by at
least three persons, to be approved of by the said treasurer, in the
penal sum of two thousand pounds current money, and conditioned
for the payment of the said sum of one thousand pounds current
money, on or before the period of ten years, to be computed from
the time the same shall be advanced, and for the payment of the legal
interest annually thereon.
See the resolution 1816, and act 1817, ch. 108. |
Proviso. |
An Act for the relief of Charles Hammond, of Anne-Arundel County.
Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 345. |
Passed Jan. 10,
1803. |
An Act vesting certain powers in the Congress of the United States.
Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 345. |
Passed Jan. 10,
1803. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
this state do hereby give and grant their full approbation and consent,
that the congress of the United States may appropriate, towards
the repairing, and keeping in repair, the post roads, or any
one or more of them, within this state, such sum or sums of money
as they in their wisdom may deem right, and to lay out and apply
the same to said purpose in any manner they by law may direct,
and to appoint any person or persons they may elect to see to the
proper application of the money, according to the provisions that |
Consent of the
state given to congress
to appropriate
money for
keeping in repair
the post-roads in
the state. |