CHAP. 111.
Persons may separate
from a
church, erect a
house of worship,
and employ a minister. |
10. AND, whereas it is necessary for the greater
effect of the
preaching of the Gospel, that men should be permitted to employ
and sit under the teaching of those whom they find or esteem most
capable of instructing them, and enforcing the precepts of religious
truth, in whose character and faithfulness they have most confidence;
therefore, BE IT ENACTED, That where any number of persons
belonging to any church or congregation sufficient to build a
church or house of worship, and to maintain a minister, shall choose
to separate from the church or congregation of which they have
hitherto been a part, and to erect a house of worship, and employ
a minister for themselves, it shall be lawful for them so to do, and
they shall, by their respective name or style, be entitled to all the
benefits of this act as aforesaid, any thing in the act for the establishment
of vestries for each parish in this state to the contrary
notwithstanding, provided only, that all arrears, debts and engagements,
contracted, due, or becoming due, while members of the
former society, shall be punctually and faithfully discharged. |
Part of an act declared
* 1798, ch. 24. |
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That so much of the
act * for the establishment
of vestries for each parish in this state as confess the
powers of civil officers of the peace upon churchwardens, be and
the same are hereby declared null and void. |
Not to repeal a
former act, &c. |
12. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall
not repeal any part
of the act for the establishment of vestries for each parish in this
state, except so far as the same is inconsistent with the tenth and
eleventh sections of this act. |
Nor to affect the
rights of conscience. |
13. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing herein
contained shall
be construed, adjudged or taken, to abridge or affect the rights of
conscience or private judgment, or in the least to alter or change
the religious constitution or government of any church, congregation
or society, so far as respects, or in any wise concerns, doctrine,
discipline or worship. |
Passed Jan. 10,
* Ch. 97. |
A Supplement to the act, * entitled, An act for the relief of sundry
Debtors. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 343.
This act included the names of John
Smith, of the city of Annapolis, William
Finn and Benjamin M. McCaskey, of the city of Baltimore.
See note under ch. 97. |
Passed Jan. 10,
1803. |
An Act granting a Loan of Money to the Trustees of Charlotte Hall
School. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 343.
A Supplement, November 1812, ch. 22. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the memorial
of the trustees of Charlotte Hall school, that from the number
of pupils now at said school great inconvenience is sustained
from the want of necessary buildings, and particularly a residence
for the principal, and they have prayed a loan of money from the
state to obviate such difficulties, and promote the interest of a flourishing
seminary; therefore, |
One thousand
pounds directed
to be paid trustees
by treasurer. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby directed to
pay to the trustees of Charlotte Hall school, or their order, on or
before the first day of April next, the sum of one thousand pounds, |